Kunci Gitar Ashe - Angry Woman

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-07-14T18:02:22+00:00 Kunci Gitar Ashe - Angry Woman
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Ashe - Angry Woman - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Ashe - Angry Woman" yang dibawakan oleh Ashe. "Kunci Gitar Ashe - Angry Woman" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Ashe - Angry Woman" oleh Ashe. Kunci Gitar Ashe - Angry Woman

Capo fret 3

Intro : C..

C                         (G#)
 hey, baby, why don't you smile?
you got such a pretty face..
(i know, i know, i know, oh)
C                     G#
 i'm only here for a while
i want more than a taste..
(i know, i know, i know, oh)

C             G#              C
 i'm about to set my world on fire..
(oh, oh, oh well)
C                          G#
 i smashed my glass on the bar
guess i got carried away, oh well

Reff :
            F                 G
 you told me, nobody likes an angry woman..
 C                 Am
  i always say the things i shouldn't..
 F                    G
  oh, what a shame my tongue's not tied..
 G#                      G
 you can do whatever you want
 i'll do whatever i like..

C                      G#
 you think you're so mature
you want the party to stop..
(i know, i know, i know, oh)
C                          G#
 lately you're eating your words
you said my sound wasn't pop..
(enough, enough for you)

C                   G#
 well, i'm about to set your world
on fire.. (oh, oh, oh well)
C                      G#
 this song's not even about you
bet you'll think that it was
but it's not (uhh..)

Reff :
            F                 G
 you told me, nobody likes an angry woman..
 C                 Am
  i always say the things i shouldn't..
 F                    G
  oh, what a shame my tongue's not tied..
 G#                      G
 you can do whatever you want
 i'll do whatever i like..

C                            C - G
thank you very much for the let-down..
C                             C  -G
used to want your love but it ran out..
used to give a fuck but i don't now..
but i don't now.. but i don't now..

G#                      G
you can do whatever you want..
i'll do whatever i like..


Intro : D#..

D#                        (B)
 hey, baby, why don't you smile?
you got such a pretty face..
(i know, i know, i know, oh)
D#                    B
 i'm only here for a while
i want more than a taste..
(i know, i know, i know, oh)

D#            B               D#
 i'm about to set my world on fire..
(oh, oh, oh well)
D#                         B
 i smashed my glass on the bar
guess i got carried away, oh well

Reff :
            G#                A#
 you told me, nobody likes an angry woman..
 D#                Cm
  i always say the things i shouldn't..
 G#                   A#
  oh, what a shame my tongue's not tied..
 B                       A#
 you can do whatever you want
 i'll do whatever i like..

D#                     B
 you think you're so mature
you want the party to stop..
(i know, i know, i know, oh)
D#                         B
 lately you're eating your words
you said my sound wasn't pop..
(enough, enough for you)

D#                  B
 well, i'm about to set your world
on fire.. (oh, oh, oh well)
D#                     B
 this song's not even about you
bet you'll think that it was
but it's not (uhh..)

Reff :
            G#                A#
 you told me, nobody likes an angry woman..
 D#                Cm
  i always say the things i shouldn't..
 G#                   A#
  oh, what a shame my tongue's not tied..
 B                       A#
 you can do whatever you want
 i'll do whatever i like..

D#                           D#-A#
thank you very much for the let-down..
D#                            D#-A#
used to want your love but it ran out..
used to give a fuck but i don't now..
but i don't now.. but i don't now..

B                       A#
you can do whatever you want..
i'll do whatever i like..

Chord Ashe - Angry Woman

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  • Chord Ashe

