Kunci Gitar Carrie Underwood - Burn

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-06-18T15:04:33+00:00 Kunci Gitar Carrie Underwood - Burn
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Carrie Underwood - Burn - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Carrie Underwood - Burn" yang dibawakan oleh Carrie Underwood. "Kunci Gitar Carrie Underwood - Burn" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Carrie Underwood - Burn" oleh Carrie Underwood. Kunci Gitar Carrie Underwood - Burn

Capo fret 5

Intro : Am F G -Em
        Am F G -Em

Am                       F
sitting there wrapped up tight
in your flannel button-up..
with your arms around me
Am                          F
watching those flames dance high
where nobody could find us..
oh, but you sure found me

Am             F
yeah.. we were lighting that fire
G                         C   -G/B
heating up the sky like a july rocket
Am      F
no.. we never got tired
we'd stay up all night and watch it

Reff :
 Am          F
 burn.. like whiskey in my glass
 C                           Em
 even though it's sitting on ice
 it's always gonna burn..
 little too hot real fast
 C                  Em
 like when you were mine, yeah..

 Am                           F
  that's the thing about your memory..
 it's keeping me warm,
 but it's killing me..
 Am                   F
  every time i think about you now
 C                         Em
 even though our love died out..

 it's always gonna 
 Am    F      C    -Em
 burn.. burn.. burn..

Am                    F
riding 'round rag top down
little beach town..
weekend on the water
Am                  F
under that gold moonshine
your lips on mine..
couldn't get no hotter

Am             F
yeah.. we were soaking it up..
G                   C   -G/B
buzzing on love and margaritas..
Am              F
 when i see the sand and the sun..
the salt in the air, i swear, i feel the

Reff :
 Am          F
 burn.. like whiskey in my glass
 C                           Em
 even though it's sitting on ice
 it's always gonna burn..
 little too hot real fast
 C                  Em
 like when you were mine, yeah..

 Am                           F
  that's the thing about your memory..
 it's keeping me warm,
 but it's killing me..
 Am                   F
  every time i think about you now
 C                         Em
 even though our love died out..

 it's always gonna 
 Am    F      C     Em
 burn.. burn.. burn.. yeah..

Int. Am F C -Em
     Am F G

    -Em           Am
it's always gonna burn..
F               G
 just like this whiskey..
    -Em           Am
it's always gonna burn..
F            G
 and make me wonder if you miss me..

Reff :
 Am                           F
  that's the thing about your memory..
 it's keeping me warm,
 but it's killing me..
 Am                  F
  baby when i think about you now
 C                         Em
 even though our love died out..

 it's always gonna 
 Am    F      C    Em
 burn.. burn.. burn..
 it's always gonna 
 Am    F      C    Em
 burn.. burn.. burn..

Outro : Am F G -Em
        Am F G


Intro : Dm Bb C -Am
        Dm Bb C -Am

Dm                       Bb
sitting there wrapped up tight
in your flannel button-up..
with your arms around me
Dm                          Bb
watching those flames dance high
where nobody could find us..
oh, but you sure found me

Dm             Bb
yeah.. we were lighting that fire
C                         F   -C/E
heating up the sky like a july rocket
Dm      Bb
no.. we never got tired
we'd stay up all night and watch it

Reff :
 Dm          Bb
 burn.. like whiskey in my glass
 F                           Am
 even though it's sitting on ice
 it's always gonna burn..
 little too hot real fast
 F                  Am
 like when you were mine, yeah..

 Dm                           Bb
  that's the thing about your memory..
 it's keeping me warm,
 but it's killing me..
 Dm                   Bb
  every time i think about you now
 F                         Am
 even though our love died out..

 it's always gonna 
 Dm    Bb     F    -Am
 burn.. burn.. burn..

Dm                    Bb
riding 'round rag top down
little beach town..
weekend on the water
Dm                  Bb
under that gold moonshine
your lips on mine..
couldn't get no hotter

Dm             Bb
yeah.. we were soaking it up..
C                   F   -C/E
buzzing on love and margaritas..
Dm              Bb
 when i see the sand and the sun..
the salt in the air, i swear, i feel the

Reff :
 Dm          Bb
 burn.. like whiskey in my glass
 F                           Am
 even though it's sitting on ice
 it's always gonna burn..
 little too hot real fast
 F                  Am
 like when you were mine, yeah..

 Dm                           Bb
  that's the thing about your memory..
 it's keeping me warm,
 but it's killing me..
 Dm                   Bb
  every time i think about you now
 F                         Am
 even though our love died out..

 it's always gonna 
 Dm    Bb     F     Am
 burn.. burn.. burn.. yeah..

Int. Dm Bb F Am
     Dm Bb C

    -Am           Dm
it's always gonna burn..
Bb              C
 just like this whiskey..
    -Am           Dm
it's always gonna burn..
Bb           C
 and make me wonder if you miss me..

Reff :
 Dm                           Bb
  that's the thing about your memory..
 it's keeping me warm,
 but it's killing me..
 Dm                  Bb
  baby when i think about you now
 F                         Am
 even though our love died out..

 it's always gonna 
 Dm    Bb     F    Am
 burn.. burn.. burn..
 it's always gonna 
 Dm    Bb     F    Am
 burn.. burn.. burn..

Outro : Dm Bb C -Am
        Dm Bb C

Chord Carrie Underwood - Burn

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Carrie Underwood

