Kunci Gitar Tina Turner - I Want You Near Me

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-05-08T12:03:14+00:00 Kunci Gitar Tina Turner - I Want You Near Me
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Tina Turner - I Want You Near Me - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Tina Turner - I Want You Near Me" yang dibawakan oleh Tina Turner. "Kunci Gitar Tina Turner - I Want You Near Me" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Tina Turner - I Want You Near Me" oleh Tina Turner. Kunci Gitar Tina Turner - I Want You Near Me

Intro : C Em F G
        C Em F G
               uhh.. hu..
        C Em F G
        C Em F G

should you stay, should you go
   Am                   Em
hmm you're beginning to see
i blow hot, i blow cold
   Am                      Em
hmm it's just the devil in me

Dm                Em
 you got to understand i am..
Dm              Em
 in love with a beautiful man..
Cm                   Dm
 so if you're feeling insecure
F                   G
 you've really know cause to be..

Reff :
   C        Em
 i want you near me
          F      G
 don't you turn away..
 (just got used)
  just got used to having
 F     G
  you around..

   C        Em
 i want you near me
        F         G
 come on here and stay..
 (don't let me down)
 don't let me down
               F    G
 (don't let me down)

you're so good with your hands
   Am                     Em
to help me with a hook or zip
indispensable that's what you are
   Am                  Em
hmm for the occasional kiss

Dm                Em
 i'm only playing games with you..
Dm                       Em
 i can't be nice without being cruel..
  Cm                      G
i know it's unfair, but i make the rules

Reff :
   C        Em
 i want you near me
          F      G
 don't you turn away..
 (just got used)
  just got used to having
 F     G
  you around..

   C        Em
 i want you near me
        F         G
 come on here and stay..
 (don't let me down)
 don't let me down
 (don't let me down)
 F         G
 don't let me down

Int. C Em F G
     C Em F G
     C Em    F        G
         mm i want you near me baby..
     C Em F G

Am          E
 all i want.. i've decided..
 is your attention.. undivided..

  D        F#m
i want you near me
G    A            D  F#m G A
ohh.. don't turn away..
  D        F#m
i want you near me
G    A            D F#m G  A
ohh.. wont you stay.. uh uh..

Reff :
   D        F#m
 i want you near me
          G      A
 don't you turn away..
 (just got used)
  just got used to having
 G     A
  you around..

   D        F#m
 i want you near me
        G         A
 come on here and stay..
 (don't let me down)
 don't let me down
 (don't let me down)
 G         A
 don't let me down

       D  F#m
(uh uh uh uh)
  G        A
i want you near me babe..
             D  F#m
(don't turn away)
          G        A
don't you turn away..

       D  F#m
(uh uh uh uh)
       G                A
uh.. i want you near me babe..
          D    F#m
(come and stay)
                 G  A
come on here and stay..

       D  F#m
(uh uh uh uh)
       G                A
uh.. i want you near me babe..


Intro : G# Cm C# D#
        G# Cm C# D#
                 uhh.. hu..
        G# Cm C# D#
        G# Cm C# D#

should you stay, should you go
   Fm                   Cm
hmm you're beginning to see
i blow hot, i blow cold
   Fm                      Cm
hmm it's just the devil in me

A#m               Cm
 you got to understand i am..
A#m             Cm
 in love with a beautiful man..
G#m                  A#m
 so if you're feeling insecure
C#                  D#
 you've really know cause to be..

Reff :
   G#       Cm
 i want you near me
          C#     D#
 don't you turn away..
 (just got used)
  just got used to having
 C#    D#
  you around..

   G#       Cm
 i want you near me
        C#        D#
 come on here and stay..
 (don't let me down)
 don't let me down
               C#   D#
 (don't let me down)

you're so good with your hands
   Fm                     Cm
to help me with a hook or zip
indispensable that's what you are
   Fm                  Cm
hmm for the occasional kiss

A#m               Cm
 i'm only playing games with you..
A#m                      Cm
 i can't be nice without being cruel..
  G#m                     D#
i know it's unfair, but i make the rules

Reff :
   G#       Cm
 i want you near me
          C#     D#
 don't you turn away..
 (just got used)
  just got used to having
 C#    D#
  you around..

   G#       Cm
 i want you near me
        C#        D#
 come on here and stay..
 (don't let me down)
 don't let me down
 (don't let me down)
 C#        D#
 don't let me down

Int. G# Cm C# D#
     G# Cm C# D#
     G# Cm    C#       D#
         mm i want you near me baby..
     G# Cm C# D#

Fm          C
 all i want.. i've decided..
 is your attention.. undivided..

  A#       Dm
i want you near me
D#   F            A#  Dm D# F
ohh.. don't turn away..
  A#       Dm
i want you near me
D#   F            A#  Dm D# F
ohh.. wont you stay.. uh uh..

Reff :
   A#       Dm
 i want you near me
          D#     F
 don't you turn away..
 (just got used)
  just got used to having
 D#    F
  you around..

   A#       Dm
 i want you near me
        D#        F
 come on here and stay..
 (don't let me down)
 don't let me down
 (don't let me down)
 D#        F
 don't let me down

       A# Dm
(uh uh uh uh)
  D#       F
i want you near me babe..
             A#  Dm
(don't turn away)
          D#       F
don't you turn away..

       A# Dm
(uh uh uh uh)
       D#               F
uh.. i want you near me babe..
          A#   Dm
(come and stay)
                 D#  F
come on here and stay..

       A# Dm
(uh uh uh uh)
       D#               F
uh.. i want you near me babe..

Chord Tina Turner - I Want You Near Me

    Sorry, no related chords at this time.

    Lihat semua :
  • Chord Tina Turner

