Kunci Gitar Zolita - I F***ing Love You

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-04-28T19:18:00+00:00 Kunci Gitar Zolita - I F***ing Love You
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Zolita - I F***ing Love You - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Zolita - I F***ing Love You" yang dibawakan oleh Zolita. "Kunci Gitar Zolita - I F***ing Love You" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Zolita - I F***ing Love You" oleh Zolita. Kunci Gitar Zolita - I F***ing Love You

Zolita - I F***ing Love You
Capo fret 5

Intro : C Am F C (4x)

C Am            F
    i'm used to loving
from a distance
C Am             F
   i'll give you just enough
to make it seem
Am          F          C
 like i'm exposing all my secrets
                 Am        F    C
but i don't tell anyone anything

        Am         G
call it pain, call it trauma
i just know that my guard's up
           Am       G        F
but you're breaking my armor down..

Reff :
    C             Dm
 so what if i let it slip?
 tell you that you're
 the only one i'm seeing
 C              Dm
 what if i lose my grip?
            Am       F
 admit that i'm terrified
 of you leaving

 C Dm                 Am
   would it push you away
 or would you say the same back?
 C             Dm
 what if i let it slip? tell you that
 Am         F
 oh my God, i f***ing love you

C Am F          C
    (oh my God, i f***ing love you)        

C Am             F
   you think i'm cutest
in the morning
C Am             F
   and you don't judge me
when i'm all dressed up
C Am         F           C
   you wanna get to know my family
you roll your eyes when i say
        F         C
that my mom's too much

        Am         G
call it good, call it karma
i don't know how i got ya
        Am            G      F
but all i know is i'm all in now..

Int. Am G F..
     Am G F..

Reff :
    C             Dm
 so what if i let it slip?
 tell you that you're
 the only one i'm seeing
 C              Dm
 what if i lose my grip?
            Am       F
 admit that i'm terrified
 of you leaving

 C Dm                 Am
   would it push you away
 or would you say the same back?
 C             Dm
 what if i let it slip? tell you that
 Am         F
 oh my God, i f***ing love you

Int. C Dm Am F
     C Dm Am F

 i'm always bracing for the impact
 i'm always sure that nothing good
-Am G
can last..
i got so used to runnin' so fast
with you, it isn't like that..

Int. C Dm Am         F
         (oh my God, i f***ing love you)
     C Dm Am F

Reff :
    C             Dm
 so what if i let it slip?
 tell you that you're
 the only one i'm seeing
 C              Dm
 what if i lose my grip?
            Am       F
 admit that i'm terrified
 of you leaving

 C Dm                 Am
   would it push you away
 or would you say the same back?
 C             Dm
 what if i let it slip? tell you that
 Am         F
 oh my God, i f***ing love you

C Dm Am         F
     oh my God, i f***ing love you
C Dm Am         F
     oh my God, i f***ing love you
C Dm Am         F
     oh my God, i f***ing love you
C Dm Am         F
     oh my God, i f***ing love you
C Dm Am         F                 C
     oh my God, i f***ing love you


Intro : F Dm Bb F (4x)

F Dm            Bb
    i'm used to loving
from a distance
F Dm             Bb
   i'll give you just enough
to make it seem
Dm          Bb         F
 like i'm exposing all my secrets
                 Dm        Bb   F
but i don't tell anyone anything

        Dm         C
call it pain, call it trauma
i just know that my guard's up
           Dm       C        Bb
but you're breaking my armor down..

Reff :
    F             Gm
 so what if i let it slip?
 tell you that you're
 the only one i'm seeing
 F              Gm
 what if i lose my grip?
            Dm       Bb
 admit that i'm terrified
 of you leaving

 F Gm                 Dm
   would it push you away
 or would you say the same back?
 F             Gm
 what if i let it slip? tell you that
 Dm         Bb
 oh my God, i f***ing love you

F Dm Bb         F
    (oh my God, i f***ing love you)

F Dm             Bb
   you think i'm cutest
in the morning
F Dm             Bb
   and you don't judge me
when i'm all dressed up
F Dm         Bb          F
   you wanna get to know my family
you roll your eyes when i say
        Bb        F
that my mom's too much

        Dm         C
call it good, call it karma
i don't know how i got ya
        Dm            C      Bb
but all i know is i'm all in now..

Int. Dm C Bb..
     Dm C Bb..

Reff :
    F             Gm
 so what if i let it slip?
 tell you that you're
 the only one i'm seeing
 F              Gm
 what if i lose my grip?
            Dm       Bb
 admit that i'm terrified
 of you leaving

 F Gm                 Dm
   would it push you away
 or would you say the same back?
 F             Gm
 what if i let it slip? tell you that
 Dm         Bb
 oh my God, i f***ing love you

Int. F Gm Dm Bb
     F Gm Dm Bb

 i'm always bracing for the impact
 i'm always sure that nothing good
-Dm  C
can last..
i got so used to runnin' so fast
with you, it isn't like that..

Int. F Gm Dm         Bb
         (oh my God, i f***ing love you)
     F Gm Dm Bb

Reff :
    F             Gm
 so what if i let it slip?
 tell you that you're
 the only one i'm seeing
 F              Gm
 what if i lose my grip?
            Dm       Bb
 admit that i'm terrified
 of you leaving

 F Gm                 Dm
   would it push you away
 or would you say the same back?
 F             Gm
 what if i let it slip? tell you that
 Dm         Bb
 oh my God, i f***ing love you

F Gm Dm         Bb
     oh my God, i f***ing love you
F Gm Dm         Bb
     oh my God, i f***ing love you
F Gm Dm         Bb
     oh my God, i f***ing love you
F Gm Dm         Bb
     oh my God, i f***ing love you
F Gm Dm         Bb                F
     oh my God, i f***ing love you

Chord Zolita - I F***ing Love You

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  • Chord Zolita

