Kunci Gitar Davina Michelle - Nobody Is Perfect

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-04-27T14:20:49+00:00 Kunci Gitar Davina Michelle - Nobody Is Perfect
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Davina Michelle - Nobody Is Perfect - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Davina Michelle - Nobody Is Perfect" yang dibawakan oleh Davina Michelle. "Kunci Gitar Davina Michelle - Nobody Is Perfect" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Davina Michelle - Nobody Is Perfect" oleh Davina Michelle. Kunci Gitar Davina Michelle - Nobody Is Perfect

Capo fret 3

Intro : Em C G          -D/F#
              woah.. yeah

Em         C
 i used to think i was fat
G                            -D/F#
i was shy about my tummy and thighs
Em                       C
why do i still hear your words in my mind?
     G                   -D/F#
shut up, you're beautiful..

Em              C
 in one ear and out the other
G                        -D/F#
 nobody could stop me to bother
Em                 C
 now i look at the photos of me
shut up, you're beautiful..

   -D/F#         Em           C
oh, if i could speak to the young,
blinded me..
       -D/F#             Em
i won't talk about the bees
        C      D
and the cherry trees..

Reff :
 i would talk about her worth and
 C                   G
  tell her nobody is perfect
 try to shine a light on
 Em          C
 only what's good, you'll see
 days will get much brighter
 and you'll wonder why you're thinking

 you're so worthless..
 C                   G
  you see, nobody is perfect
 try to smile a bit,
   Em             C
 i know it sounds cheesy but
 you're the only one of you
 so love yourself
    -D/F#            Em 
 for everything you are

Em       C   G             -D/F#
 uoh uoh, oh oh.. uoh uoh, oh..
Em       C   G   -D/F#
 uoh uoh, oh oh..

Em             C
 not words but deeds is my motto
G                        -D/F#
 all in, all out without sorrow
Em           C         G       -D/F#
 i cared for only my reflection..

   Em           C
oh, i thought i was in control, no
G                            -D/F#
 lost weight, oh more than a lot
F                     C
oh, but it never ever gave me
any satisfaction..

   -D/F#         Em           C
oh, if i could speak to the young,
stupid me..
       -D/F#                Em
i would tell her she's to love
     C      D

Reff :
 i would talk about her worth and
 C                   G
  tell her nobody is perfect
 try to shine a light on
 Em          C
 only what's good, you'll see
 days will get much brighter
 and you'll wonder why you're thinking

 you're so worthless..
 C                   G
  you see, nobody is perfect
 try to smile a bit,
   Em             C
 i know it sounds cheesy but
 you're the only one of you
 so love yourself
    -D/F#            Em 
 for everything you are

Em       C   G             -D/F#
 uoh uoh, oh oh.. uoh uoh, oh..
Em       C   G    -D/F#
 uoh uoh, oh oh..

 C       G
(ohh) oh hoh.. yeah..
no one is perfect

Reff :
 i would talk about her worth and
 C                   G
  tell her nobody is perfect
 try to shine a light on
 Em          C
 only what's good, you'll see
 days will get much brighter
 and you'll wonder why you're thinking

 you're so worthless..
 C                   G
  you see, nobody is perfect
 try to smile a bit,
   Em             C
 i know it sounds cheesy but
 you're the only one of you
 so love yourself
    -D/F#             Em 
 for everything you are

Em       C   G             -D/F#
 uoh uoh, oh oh.. uoh uoh, oh..
Em       C   G             -D/F#
 uoh uoh, oh oh.. uoh uoh, oh..


Intro : Gm D# A#        -F/A
              woah.. yeah

Gm         D#
 i used to think i was fat
A#                          -F/A
i was shy about my tummy and thighs
Gm                       D#
why do i still hear your words in my mind?
     A#                  -F/A
shut up, you're beautiful..

Gm              D#
 in one ear and out the other
A#                      -F/A
 nobody could stop me to bother
Gm                 D#
 now i look at the photos of me
shut up, you're beautiful..

   -F/A          Gm           D#
oh, if i could speak to the young,
blinded me..
       -F/A              Gm
i won't talk about the bees
        D#     F
and the cherry trees..

Reff :
 i would talk about her worth and
 D#                  A#
  tell her nobody is perfect
 try to shine a light on
 Gm          D#
 only what's good, you'll see
 days will get much brighter
 and you'll wonder why you're thinking

 you're so worthless..
 D#                  A#
  you see, nobody is perfect
 try to smile a bit,
   Gm             D#
 i know it sounds cheesy but
 you're the only one of you
 so love yourself
    -F/A            (Gm)
 for everything you are

Gm       D#  A#           -F/A
 uoh uoh, oh oh.. uoh uoh, oh..
Gm       D#  A# -F/A
 uoh uoh, oh oh..

Gm             D#
 not words but deeds is my motto
A#                      -F/A
 all in, all out without sorrow
Gm           D#        A#     -F/A
 i cared for only my reflection..

   Gm           D#
oh, i thought i was in control, no
A#                          -F/A
 lost weight, oh more than a lot
G#                    D#
oh, but it never ever gave me
any satisfaction..

   -F/A          Gm           D#
oh, if i could speak to the young,
stupid me..
       -F/A                 Gm
i would tell her she's to love
     D#     F

Reff :
 i would talk about her worth and
 D#                  A#
  tell her nobody is perfect
 try to shine a light on
 Gm          D#
 only what's good, you'll see
 days will get much brighter
 and you'll wonder why you're thinking

 you're so worthless..
 D#                  A#
  you see, nobody is perfect
 try to smile a bit,
   Gm             D#
 i know it sounds cheesy but
 you're the only one of you
 so love yourself
    -F/A            (Gm)
 for everything you are

Gm       D#  A#           -F/A
 uoh uoh, oh oh.. uoh uoh, oh..
Gm       D#  A#  -F/A
 uoh uoh, oh oh..

 D#      A#
(ohh) oh hoh.. yeah..
no one is perfect

Reff :
 i would talk about her worth and
 D#                  A#
  tell her nobody is perfect
 try to shine a light on
 Gm          D#
 only what's good, you'll see
 days will get much brighter
 and you'll wonder why you're thinking

 you're so worthless..
 D#                  A#
  you see, nobody is perfect
 try to smile a bit,
   Gm             D#
 i know it sounds cheesy but
 you're the only one of you
 so love yourself
    -F/A             (Gm)
 for everything you are

Gm       D#  A#           -F/A
 uoh uoh, oh oh.. uoh uoh, oh..
Gm       D#  A#           -F/A
 uoh uoh, oh oh.. uoh uoh, oh..

Chord Davina Michelle - Nobody Is Perfect

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Davina Michelle

