Kunci Gitar Joshua Bassett - Doppelgänger

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-02-26T14:04:39+00:00 Kunci Gitar Joshua Bassett - Doppelgänger
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Joshua Bassett - Doppelgänger - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Joshua Bassett - Doppelgänger" yang dibawakan oleh Joshua Bassett. "Kunci Gitar Joshua Bassett - Doppelgänger" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Joshua Bassett - Doppelgänger" oleh Joshua Bassett. Kunci Gitar Joshua Bassett - Doppelgänger

Reff :
   C                Em
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought that i was..
   C               Em
 i saw someone who looked like you
 at our favorite coffee shop..

     Am             Em
 and part of me was hoping we
 would get the chance to talk
   C                Em
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought..

C                    G/B
 i've spent a lot of nights
memorizing lines
                    F      -G
thinking 'bout what i might say..

C                   G/B
 and after all this time,
i'm still fight or flight
                 F   -G
i can't help but run away

  C                  G/B
i know we're getting older
      Am            Em
we're moving on and over
    F                           G
but everywhere i go, i see your face..

Reff :
   C                Em
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought that i was..
   C               Em
 i saw someone who looked like you
        F                    G
 at our favorite coffee shop..

     Am             Em
 and part of me was hoping we
 would get the chance to talk
   C                Em
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought..

                C   -G/B-Am -Em -F
and i thought i was, hu uhu uhu uu..
                 C   -G/B-Am -Em-F
yeah i thought i was, hu uhu uhu hu..

C                     G/B
 she wore your yellow dress
same as when we met
             F       -G
i couldn't believe my eyes..

C            G/B
 even when i left,
i was still a wreck
             F     -G
tryna find a reason why

     C                 G/B
i'm scared to death to see ya
      Am           Em
but i wanted it to be ya
    F                   (-Am)      G  (Em-Dm)  
the worst of all i don't even know why..

Reff :
   C                Em
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought that i was..
   C               Em
 i saw someone who looked like you
        F                   -G
 at our favorite coffee shop..

     Am             Em
 and part of me was hoping we
 would get the chance to talk
   C                Em
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought..

                C   -G/B-Am -Em -F
and i thought i was, hu uhu uhu uu..
                 C   -G/B-Am -Em-F
yeah i thought i was, hu uhu uhu hu..

the truth is no one's like you
and a heart cannot be lied to
  F                                 G
a look a like could never take your place..

Reff :
   C                Em
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought that i was..
   C               Em
 i saw someone who looked like you
        F                   -G
 at our favorite coffee shop..

     Am             Em
 and part of me was hoping
 we would get the chance to talk
   C                Em
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought..

    -G C                Em
 no, i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought..
    -G C                Em
 no, i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought.. and i thought i was..


Reff :
   A#               Dm
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought that i was..
   A#              Dm
 i saw someone who looked like you
 at our favorite coffee shop..

     Gm             Dm
 and part of me was hoping we
 would get the chance to talk
   A#               Dm
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought..

A#                   F/A
 i've spent a lot of nights
memorizing lines
                    D#     -F
thinking 'bout what i might say..

A#                  F/A
 and after all this time,
i'm still fight or flight
                 D#  -F
i can't help but run away

  A#                 F/A
i know we're getting older
      Gm            Dm
we're moving on and over
    D#                          F
but everywhere i go, i see your face..

Reff :
   A#               Dm
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought that i was..
   A#              Dm
 i saw someone who looked like you
        D#                  -F
 at our favorite coffee shop..

     Gm             Dm
 and part of me was hoping we
 would get the chance to talk
   A#               Dm
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought..

                A#  -F/A Gm -Dm-D#
and i thought i was, hu uhu uhu uu..
                 A#  -F/A Gm -Dm-D#
yeah i thought i was, hu uhu uhu hu..

A#                    F/A
 she wore your yellow dress
same as when we met
             D#      -F
i couldn't believe my eyes..

A#           F/A
 even when i left,
i was still a wreck
             D#    -F
tryna find a reason why

     A#                F/A
i'm scared to death to see ya
      Gm           Dm
but i wanted it to be ya
    D#                 (-Gm)       F  (Dm-Cm)
the worst of all i don't even know why..

Reff :
   A#               Dm
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought that i was..
   A#              Dm
 i saw someone who looked like you
        D#                  -F
 at our favorite coffee shop..

     Gm             Dm
 and part of me was hoping we
 would get the chance to talk
   A#               Dm
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought..

                A#  -F/A Gm -Dm-D#
and i thought i was, hu uhu uhu uu..
                 A#  -F/A Gm -Dm-D#
yeah i thought i was, hu uhu uhu hu..

the truth is no one's like you
and a heart cannot be lied to
  D#                                F
a look a like could never take your place..

Reff :
   A#               Dm
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought that i was..
   A#              Dm
 i saw someone who looked like you
        D#                  -F
 at our favorite coffee shop..

     Gm             Dm
 and part of me was hoping
 we would get the chance to talk
   A#               Dm
 i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought..

    -F A#               Dm
 no, i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought..
    -F A#               Dm
 no, i guess i'm not as over you
 as i thought.. and i thought i was..

Chord Joshua Bassett - Doppelgänger

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Joshua Bassett

