Kunci Gitar Coco Quinn - Stories

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-02-07T04:41:05+00:00 Kunci Gitar Coco Quinn - Stories
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Coco Quinn - Stories - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Coco Quinn - Stories" yang dibawakan oleh Coco Quinn. "Kunci Gitar Coco Quinn - Stories" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Coco Quinn - Stories" oleh Coco Quinn. Kunci Gitar Coco Quinn - Stories

Capo fret 3

Intro : Em C G D

     Em                 C
it's like an all access pass..
        G              D
and you get excited so fast..
    Em                          C
but how come that feeling don't last..
      G   D
never last..

  Em               C
i never know when enough is enough
     G                 D
it's like i can't ever give too much..
Em  C               G        D
 so if it all looks like gold..

Reff :
                     Em     C
 when you look at my stories..
     G                D
 you only see part of me..
                 Em  C
 when you see my face..
 you're only seeing
 what i want you to see..

 and there's a whole side of me..
 that's inside of me..
      G                         D
 that i don't need the world to know..
               Em  C
 so this is my way..
    G               D
 of letting you get close..
 through my stories..

Int. Em C G D
     Em C G D

Em                C
everyone that you see..
      G                    D
isn't really that close to me.. no
Em                        C
we're just playing make believe..
(we're just playing make believe)
G        D
 till we leave..

Em                     C
smiles are the biggest lies ever told..
    G                D
but this is the only life that i know..
Em C               G        D
 so if it all looks like gold..

Reff :
                     Em     C
 when you look at my stories..
     G                D
 you only see part of me..
                 Em  C
 when you see my face..
 you're only seeing
 what i want you to see..

 and there's a whole side of me..
 that's inside of me..
      G                         D
 that i don't need the world to know..
               Em  C
 so this is my way..
    G               D
 of letting you get close..
 through my stories..

Int. Em C G D
                Em     C G D
     through my stories..

Am   Em G D
oh.. oh..
Am  Em      D
oh.. oh.. oh oh..

[spoke bridge]
it's easy to think you know someone
when all you see is the yellow
and they never show you the blue

Reff :
                     Em     C
 when you look at my stories..
     G                D
 you only see part of me..
                 Em  C
 when you see my face..
 you're only seeing
 what i want you to see..

 and there's a whole side of me..
 that's inside of me..
      G                         D
 that i don't need the world to know..
               Em  C
 so this is my way..
    G               D
 of letting you get close..

Outro :
                    Em     C
when you look at my stories..
    G                D
you only see part of me..
                Em  C
when you see my face..
you're only seeing
                   D  Em
what i want you to see..


Intro : Gm D# A# F

     Gm                 D#
it's like an all access pass..
        A#             F
and you get excited so fast..
    Gm                          D#
but how come that feeling don't last..
      A#  F
never last..

  Gm               D#
i never know when enough is enough
     A#                F
it's like i can't ever give too much..
Gm  D#              A#       F
 so if it all looks like gold..

Reff :
                     Gm     D#
 when you look at my stories..
     A#               F
 you only see part of me..
                 Gm  D#
 when you see my face..
 you're only seeing
 what i want you to see..

 and there's a whole side of me..
 that's inside of me..
      A#                        F
 that i don't need the world to know..
               Gm  D#
 so this is my way..
    A#              F
 of letting you get close..
 through my stories..

Int. Gm D# A# F
     Gm D# A# F

Gm                D#
everyone that you see..
      A#                   F
isn't really that close to me.. no
Gm                        D#
we're just playing make believe..
(we're just playing make believe)
A#       F
 till we leave..

Gm                     D#
smiles are the biggest lies ever told..
    A#               F
but this is the only life that i know..
Gm  D#              A#       F
 so if it all looks like gold..

Reff :
                     Gm     D#
 when you look at my stories..
     A#               F
 you only see part of me..
                 Gm  D#
 when you see my face..
 you're only seeing
 what i want you to see..

 and there's a whole side of me..
 that's inside of me..
      A#                        F
 that i don't need the world to know..
               Gm  D#
 so this is my way..
    A#              F
 of letting you get close..
 through my stories..

Int. Gm D# A# F
                 Gm    D# A# F
     through my stories..

Cm   Gm A# F
oh.. oh..
Cm   Gm      F
oh.. oh.. oh oh..

[spoke bridge]
it's easy to think you know someone
when all you see is the yellow
and they never show you the blue

Reff :
                     Gm     D#
 when you look at my stories..
     A#               F
 you only see part of me..
                 Gm  D#
 when you see my face..
 you're only seeing
 what i want you to see..

 and there's a whole side of me..
 that's inside of me..
      A#                        F
 that i don't need the world to know..
               Gm  D#
 so this is my way..
    A#              F
 of letting you get close..

Outro :
                    Gm     D#
when you look at my stories..
    A#               F
you only see part of me..
                Gm  D#
when you see my face..
you're only seeing
                   F  Gm
what i want you to see..

Chord Coco Quinn - Stories

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Coco Quinn

