Kunci Gitar Belinda - Be Free

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-02-26T10:14:59+00:00 Kunci Gitar Belinda - Be Free
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Belinda - Be Free - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Belinda - Be Free" yang dibawakan oleh Belinda. "Kunci Gitar Belinda - Be Free" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Belinda - Be Free" oleh Belinda. Kunci Gitar Belinda - Be Free

Capo fret 3

Intro : Em C Em D

 what happened to me?
 i'm just a girl
C            D
 only a girl wanting to be someone
G              Em
 and if i try, oh..
and if i dream, oh..
and if i see my heart inside of me

Em                 C
 let's go flying together..
Em                   D
 let's go fly like a bird,
yeah, yeah, yeah..
F                     C
 let's go skating the sky..
Em                        D
 to hear my voice an your cry..

Reff :
 G                  G/B         C
  i just want to be free in this world..
             D               G
 i hope that everybody understands
                   G/B          C
 i just want to be free and fly away..
     D                           Em
 and smell all the flowers in my heart..
           D                C
 i want to feel the love in me
               D               G
 and i want to go, go, go, go away..

G                 Em
 i'm feeling real love only for you
C              D
 you opened my eyes and i saw the world
G                   Em
 it's time to live, oh..
you can be mine, oh..
and we can journey to paradise..

Em                 C
 let's go flying together..
Em                   D
 let's go fly like a bird,
yeah, yeah, yeah..

Reff :
 G                  G/B         C
  i just want to be free in this world..
             D              G
 i hope that everybody understands
                   G/B          C
 i just want to be free and fly away..
     D                           Em
 and smell all the flowers in my heart..
           D                C
 i want to feel the love in me
               D               G
 and i want to go, go, go, go away..

if i had a wing to fly..
if i had a tear to cry
i would give my soul
       D             G  
to the angels of the sky..

Reff :
 G                  G/B         C
  i just want to be free in this world..
             D              G
 i hope that everybody understands
                   G/B          C
 i just want to be free and fly away..
             D              G
 i hope that everybody understands

                   G/B          C
 i just want to be free and fly away..
     D                           Em
 and smell all the flowers in my heart..
               D                C
 and i want to feel the love in me
               D            Em
 and i want to see the liberty
              D              C    D
 to share the feelings in my heart..

  Em     D
uuuh.. uuuh..
C       D        Em D C D
what happened to me..  oh..
(uuh, what happened to me?)
 what happened to me?


Intro : Gm D# Gm F

 what happened to me?
 i'm just a girl
D#           F
 only a girl wanting to be someone
A#             Gm
 and if i try, oh..
and if i dream, oh..
and if i see my heart inside of me

Gm                 D#
 let's go flying together..
Gm                   F
 let's go fly like a bird,
yeah, yeah, yeah..
G#                    D#
 let's go skating the sky..
Gm                        F
 to hear my voice an your cry..

Reff :
 A#                 A#/D         D#
  i just want to be free in this world..
             F               A#
 i hope that everybody understands
                   A#/D          D#
 i just want to be free and fly away..
     F                           Gm
 and smell all the flowers in my heart..
           F                D#
 i want to feel the love in me
               F               A#
 and i want to go, go, go, go away..

A#                Gm
 i'm feeling real love only for you
D#             F
 you opened my eyes and i saw the world
A#                  Gm
 it's time to live, oh..
you can be mine, oh..
and we can journey to paradise..

Gm                 D#
 let's go flying together..
Gm                   F
 let's go fly like a bird,
yeah, yeah, yeah..

Reff :
 A#                 A#/D         D#
  i just want to be free in this world..
             F              A#
 i hope that everybody understands
                   A#/D          D#
 i just want to be free and fly away..
     F                           Gm
 and smell all the flowers in my heart..
           F                D#
 i want to feel the love in me
               F               A#
 and i want to go, go, go, go away..

if i had a wing to fly..
if i had a tear to cry
i would give my soul
       F            (A#)
to the angels of the sky..

Reff :
 A#                 A#/D         D#
  i just want to be free in this world..
             F              A#
 i hope that everybody understands
                   A#/D          D#
 i just want to be free and fly away..
             F              A#
 i hope that everybody understands

                   A#/D          D#
 i just want to be free and fly away..
     F                           Gm
 and smell all the flowers in my heart..
               F                D#
 and i want to feel the love in me
               F            Gm
 and i want to see the liberty
              F              D#   F
 to share the feelings in my heart..

  Gm     F
uuuh.. uuuh..
D#      F        Gm F D# F
what happened to me..  oh..
(uuh, what happened to me?)
 what happened to me?

Chord Belinda - Be Free

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Belinda

