Kunci Gitar Kiefer Sutherland - So Full Of Love

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-01-07T00:47:40+00:00 Kunci Gitar Kiefer Sutherland - So Full Of Love
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Kiefer Sutherland - So Full Of Love - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Kiefer Sutherland - So Full Of Love" yang dibawakan oleh Kiefer Sutherland. "Kunci Gitar Kiefer Sutherland - So Full Of Love" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Kiefer Sutherland - So Full Of Love" oleh Kiefer Sutherland. Kunci Gitar Kiefer Sutherland - So Full Of Love

Intro : C G Am F
        C G F..
        C G Am F
        C G F..

                    C    G
i ain't one to just smile..
        Am            F
oh, but baby you got style..
    C             G
the way you move across the floor's
just cool..

              C    G
you opened my heart..
     Am             F
gave me a brand-new start..
    C               G
and i know that you won't
make me a fool..

Reff :
     C                       G
 i'm so full of love i can't hold it down..
 Am                        F
 floatin' like a butterfly off the ground..
   C                 G
 i once was lost but now i'm found..
 momma, you turn me right around..

     C                       G
 i'm so full of love i can't hold it down..
     Am            F
 you turn my world right side round..
     C              G
 so, say goodbye to this old frown..
 F                           G
 momma, you turn me.. right around..

Int. C G Am F
     C G F..

                  C    G
i was living in denial..
         Am                F
marching with the rank and file..
    C             G
and nothing or no one could ever
change my mind..

               C    G
then you came along..
          Am             F
turned my life into this song..
    C                G
and rescued this old heart..
just in time..

Reff :
     C                       G
 i'm so full of love i can't hold it down..
 Am                        F
 floatin' like a butterfly off the ground..
   C                 G
 i once was lost but now i'm found..
 momma, you turn me right around..

     C                       G
 i'm so full of love i can't hold it down..
     Am            F
 you turn my world right side round..
     C              G
 so, say goodbye to this old frown..
 F                           G    (F-Em)
 momma, you turn me.. right around..

Dm                    Em
 you'll be my one and only..
F                   G    F-Em)
 until this life is done..
Dm                   Em
 saved me from being lonely..
      F                     G
yeah, you.. you are my only one..

    C                       G
i'm so full of love i can't hold it down..
Am                        F
floatin' like a butterfly off the ground..
  C                 G
i once was lost but now i'm found..
F                         G
momma, you turn me right around..
right around..

Reff :
     C                       G
 i'm so full of love i can't hold it down..
 Am                        F
 floatin' like a butterfly off the ground..
   C                 G
 i once was lost but now i'm found..
 momma, you turn me right around..

     C                       G
 i'm so full of love i can't hold it down..
     Am            F
 you turn my world right side round..
     C              G
 so, say goodbye to this old frown..
 F                           G
 momma, you turn me.. right around..

    C    G       Am   F
i'm so.. full of love..
    C    G       F
i'm so.. full of love..
    C    G       Am   F
i'm so.. full of love..
    C    G       F
i'm so.. full of love..

    C    G       Am   F
i'm so.. full of love..
    C    G       F
i'm so.. full of love..
    C    G       Am   F
i'm so.. full of love..
    C    G       F
i'm so.. full of love..


Intro : F# C# D#m B
        F# C# B..
        F# C# D#m B
        F# C# B..

                    F#   C#
i ain't one to just smile..
        D#m           B
oh, but baby you got style..
    F#            C#
the way you move across the floor's
just cool..

              F#   C#
you opened my heart..
     D#m            B
gave me a brand-new start..
    F#              C#
and i know that you won't
make me a fool..

Reff :
     F#                      C#
 i'm so full of love i can't hold it down..
 D#m                       B
 floatin' like a butterfly off the ground..
   F#                C#
 i once was lost but now i'm found..
 momma, you turn me right around..

     F#                      C#
 i'm so full of love i can't hold it down..
     D#m           B
 you turn my world right side round..
     F#             C#
 so, say goodbye to this old frown..
 B                           C#
 momma, you turn me.. right around..

Int. F# C# D#m B
     F# C# B..

                  F#   C#
i was living in denial..
         D#m               B
marching with the rank and file..
    F#            C#
and nothing or no one could ever
change my mind..

               F#   C#
then you came along..
          D#m            B
turned my life into this song..
    F#               C#
and rescued this old heart..
just in time..

Reff :
     F#                      C#
 i'm so full of love i can't hold it down..
 D#m                       B
 floatin' like a butterfly off the ground..
   F#                C#
 i once was lost but now i'm found..
 momma, you turn me right around..

     F#                      C#
 i'm so full of love i can't hold it down..
     D#m           B
 you turn my world right side round..
     F#             C#
 so, say goodbye to this old frown..
 B                           C#    (B-A#m)
 momma, you turn me.. right around..

G#m                   A#m
 you'll be my one and only..
B                   C#  (B-A#m)
 until this life is done..
G#m                  A#m
 saved me from being lonely..
      B                     C#
yeah, you.. you are my only one..

    F#                      C#
i'm so full of love i can't hold it down..
D#m                       B
floatin' like a butterfly off the ground..
  F#                C#
i once was lost but now i'm found..
B                         C#
momma, you turn me right around..
right around..

Reff :
     F#                      C#
 i'm so full of love i can't hold it down..
 D#m                       B
 floatin' like a butterfly off the ground..
   F#                C#
 i once was lost but now i'm found..
 momma, you turn me right around..

     F#                      C#
 i'm so full of love i can't hold it down..
     D#m           B
 you turn my world right side round..
     F#             C#
 so, say goodbye to this old frown..
 B                           C#
 momma, you turn me.. right around..

    F#   C#      D#m  B
i'm so.. full of love..
    F#   C#      B
i'm so.. full of love..
    F#   C#      D#m  B
i'm so.. full of love..
    F#   C#      B
i'm so.. full of love..

    F#   C#      D#m  B
i'm so.. full of love..
    F#   C#      B
i'm so.. full of love..
    F#   C#      D#m  B
i'm so.. full of love..
    F#   C#      B
i'm so.. full of love..

Chord Kiefer Sutherland - So Full Of Love

    Sorry, no related chords at this time.

    Lihat semua :
  • Chord Kiefer Sutherland

