Kunci Gitar Jamie Miller - I Lost Myself In Loving You

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-01-31T08:25:09+00:00 Kunci Gitar Jamie Miller - I Lost Myself In Loving You
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Jamie Miller - I Lost Myself In Loving You - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Jamie Miller - I Lost Myself In Loving You" yang dibawakan oleh Jamie Miller. "Kunci Gitar Jamie Miller - I Lost Myself In Loving You" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Jamie Miller - I Lost Myself In Loving You" oleh Jamie Miller. Kunci Gitar Jamie Miller - I Lost Myself In Loving You

Capo fret 1

Am    F  
 they say..
C               G                Am       
time is always meant to heal the fall
tell me..
C              G               Am
why it doesn't seem to help at all
you're okay..
 C              G              Am  
i'm here tryna pick the pieces up
of the old me..
  C                     Em    
before you say that i'm not enough

    Dm             Am
i'm tryna find the heart i lost
i'm tryna be who i once was..
F                Am
missing parts of me
all because, all because..

Reff :
   Am     F
 i lost myself 
    C                     G
 in loving you, in loving you..
        Am      F
 became someone else 
   C                    G
 i never knew, i never knew..

       Am                    F
 i was there when you needed saving
         C               G
 but you wouldn't do the same thing
   Am     F
 i lost myself.. 
   C       G            (Am)
 i lost myself in loving you..

Int. Am F C G
     (ho oooo..)
     Am F C G
     (ho oooo..) in loving you

Am    F
 his hands..
C              G                  Am
you were on my favorite things to do
looking back..
    C            Em 
the only thing i changed is you
    Dm             Am
i'm tryna find the heart i lost
i'm tryna be who i once was
F                Am
missing parts of me
all because, all because..

Reff :
   Am     F
 i lost myself 
    C                     G
 in loving you, in loving you..
        Am      F
 became someone else 
   C                    G
 i never knew, i never knew..

       Am                    F
 i was there when you needed saving
         C               G
 but you wouldn't do the same thing
   Am     F
 i lost myself.. 
   C       G            (Am)
 i lost myself in loving you..

Int. Am F C G
     (ho oooo..)
     Am F C G
     in loving you.. (ho oooo..)

  Dm     Am      G  
i lost myself in loving you..
       Dm      Am     G  
became someone else i never knew..

Reff :
   Am     F
 i lost myself 
    C                     G
 in loving you, in loving you..
        Am      F
 became someone else 
   C                    G
 i never knew, i never knew..

       Am                    F
 i was there when you needed saving
         C               G
 but you wouldn't do the same thing
   Am     F
 i lost myself.. 
   C       G            (Am)
 i lost myself in loving you..

Int. Am F C G
     (ho oooo..)
     Am F C G
     in loving you..

Outro :
   Am     F
 i lost myself 
    C      G              (C)
 i lost myself, in loving you..


A#m   F# 
 they say..
C#              G#               A#m      
time is always meant to heal the fall
tell me..
C#             G#              A#m
why it doesn't seem to help at all
you're okay..
 C#             G#             A#m 
i'm here tryna pick the pieces up
of the old me..
  C#                    Fm    
before you say that i'm not enough

    D#m            A#m
i'm tryna find the heart i lost
i'm tryna be who i once was..
F#               A#m
missing parts of me
all because, all because..

Reff :
   A#m    F#
 i lost myself 
    C#                    G#
 in loving you, in loving you..
        A#m     F#
 became someone else 
   C#                   G#
 i never knew, i never knew..

       A#m                   F#
 i was there when you needed saving
         C#              G#
 but you wouldn't do the same thing
   A#m    F#
 i lost myself.. 
   C#      G#           (A#m)
 i lost myself in loving you..

Int. A#m F# C# G#
     (ho oooo..)
     A#m F# C# G#
     (ho oooo..) in loving you

A#m   F#
 his hands..
C#             G#                 A#m
you were on my favorite things to do
looking back..
    C#           Fm 
the only thing i changed is you
    D#m            A#m
i'm tryna find the heart i lost
i'm tryna be who i once was
F#               A#m
missing parts of me
all because, all because..

Reff :
   A#m    F#
 i lost myself 
    C#                    G#
 in loving you, in loving you..
        A#m     F#
 became someone else 
   C#                   G#
 i never knew, i never knew..

       A#m                   F#
 i was there when you needed saving
         C#              G#
 but you wouldn't do the same thing
   A#m    F#
 i lost myself.. 
   C#      G#           (A#m)
 i lost myself in loving you..

Int. A#m F# C# G#
     (ho oooo..)
     A#m F# C# G#
     in loving you.. (ho oooo..)

  D#m    A#m     G# 
i lost myself in loving you..
       D#m     A#m    G# 
became someone else i never knew..

Reff :
   A#m    F#
 i lost myself 
    C#                    G#
 in loving you, in loving you..
        A#m     F#
 became someone else 
   C#                   G#
 i never knew, i never knew..

       A#m                   F#
 i was there when you needed saving
         C#              G#
 but you wouldn't do the same thing
   A#m    F#
 i lost myself.. 
   C#      G#           (A#m)
 i lost myself in loving you..

Int. A#m F# C# G#
     (ho oooo..)
     A#m F# C# G#
     in loving you..

Outro :
   A#m    F#
 i lost myself 
    C#     G#             (C#)
 i lost myself, in loving you..

Chord Jamie Miller - I Lost Myself In Loving You

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Jamie Miller

