Kunci Gitar Baker Grace - Midnight Thoughts

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2022-01-04T17:55:39+00:00 Kunci Gitar Baker Grace - Midnight Thoughts
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Baker Grace - Midnight Thoughts - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Baker Grace - Midnight Thoughts" yang dibawakan oleh Baker Grace. "Kunci Gitar Baker Grace - Midnight Thoughts" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Baker Grace - Midnight Thoughts" oleh Baker Grace. Kunci Gitar Baker Grace - Midnight Thoughts

Am        G
 i always worry about
the things that never happen..
Am          G
 you try to hold me but
i just can't let it happen..
Am              G
 cause too much shit
is on my mind and i'm reacting..
Am     G     C

Am        G
 i get to thinking
i don't even have a purpose..
Am          G
 i like the drama
till it comes up to the surface..
Am             G
 you're saying things
to ease my mind it isn't working..
Am           G      C
 no it's not working..

    Am Dm Em          Am   Dm Em
but now..   i see the light..
                  Am   Dm  Em
and i feel like i damn fool..
wasting precious time..
when you were by my side..

Reff :
                 Am      G Dm
 how'd it get to midnight..
                 Am      G Dm
 how'd it get to midnight..
                 Am      G Dm
 how'd it get to midnight..
            Am       G       C
 without me saying i love you..
            Am       G       C
 without me saying i love you..

Am       G
 all the money glamour
fame it gets to my head..
Am        G
 and i forget when
i'm with you i'm really winning..
Am          G
 i'm just a loner
and it's just so hard to fit in..
Am           G      C
 will you forgive it..?

Am              G
 the stuff that should make me
feel good just makes me bat shit..
Am          G
 i tried to drive
my daddy's porsche and then i crashed it..
Am         G
 i lose my focus
i don't notice when it happens..
Am         G      C
 it always happens..

    Am Dm Em          Am   Dm Em
but now..   i see the light..
                  Am   Dm  Em
and i feel like i damn fool..
wasting precious time..
when you were by my side..

Reff :
                 Am      G Dm
 how'd it get to midnight..
                 Am      G Dm
 how'd it get to midnight..
                 Am      G Dm
 how'd it get to midnight..
            Am       G       C
 without me saying i love you..
            Am       G       C
 without me saying i love you..

                 Am      G Dm
 how'd it get to midnight..
                 Am      G Dm
 how'd it get to midnight..
                 Am      G Dm
 how'd it get to midnight..
            Am       G       C
 without me saying i love you..
           Am     G       C
 te quiero baby i love you..
 te necesito i love you..


F#m       E
 i always worry about
the things that never happen..
F#m         E
 you try to hold me but
i just can't let it happen..
F#m             E
 cause too much shit
is on my mind and i'm reacting..
F#m    E     A

F#m       E
 i get to thinking
i don't even have a purpose..
F#m         E
 i like the drama
till it comes up to the surface..
F#m            E
 you're saying things
to ease my mind it isn't working..
F#m          E      A
 no it's not working..

    F#m Bm C#m         F#m  Bm C#m 
but now..    i see the light..
                  F#m  Bm  C#m 
and i feel like i damn fool..
wasting precious time..
when you were by my side..

Reff :
                 F#m     E Bm
 how'd it get to midnight..
                 F#m     E Bm
 how'd it get to midnight..
                 F#m     E Bm
 how'd it get to midnight..
            F#m      E       A
 without me saying i love you..
            F#m      E       A
 without me saying i love you..

F#m      E
 all the money glamour
fame it gets to my head..
F#m       E
 and i forget when
i'm with you i'm really winning..
F#m         E
 i'm just a loner
and it's just so hard to fit in..
F#m          E      A
 will you forgive it..?

F#m             E
 the stuff that should make me
feel good just makes me bat shit..
F#m         E
 i tried to drive
my daddy's porsche and then i crashed it..
F#m        E
 i lose my focus
i don't notice when it happens..
F#m        E      A
 it always happens..

    F#m Bm C#m         F#m  Bm C#m 
but now..    i see the light..
                  F#m  Bm  C#m 
and i feel like i damn fool..
wasting precious time..
when you were by my side..

Reff :
                 F#m     E Bm
 how'd it get to midnight..
                 F#m     E Bm
 how'd it get to midnight..
                 F#m     E Bm
 how'd it get to midnight..
            F#m      E       A
 without me saying i love you..
            F#m      E       A
 without me saying i love you..

                 F#m     E Bm
 how'd it get to midnight..
                 F#m     E Bm
 how'd it get to midnight..
                 F#m     E Bm
 how'd it get to midnight..
            F#m      E       A
 without me saying i love you..
           F#m    E       A
 te quiero baby i love you..
 te necesito i love you..

Chord Baker Grace - Midnight Thoughts

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Baker Grace

