Kunci Gitar Jaz - Lucky Ones

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2021-12-08T16:41:19+00:00 Kunci Gitar Jaz - Lucky Ones
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Jaz - Lucky Ones - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Jaz - Lucky Ones" yang dibawakan oleh Jaz. "Kunci Gitar Jaz - Lucky Ones" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Jaz - Lucky Ones" oleh Jaz. Kunci Gitar Jaz - Lucky Ones

Capo fret 1

Intro : Am D G Em

Am      D
outside yeah..
    G                     Em
the real world is calling out..
Am         D                   
all of the noise..
               G   Em
is getting too loud..

Am     D
    G                    Em
are being pushed to my direction..
Am                D
telling me.. that it's
           G   Em
for my own good..

  Am        D
i feel.. so done..
G                Em
trying to be the number one
    Am      D     G       Em
and all.. i wanna do.. is run..

Reff :
 Am               D
 take it slow and know that 
                 G   Em
 we're the lucky ones..
       Am            D
 never ever lose our voice 
                 G   Em
 to be the lucky ones..

 don't make life a blur
 while we are young,
             G          Em
 take in the oxygen and don't pretend
          Am                  D
 that the sun don't shine for us
                       G   Em
 we're still the lucky ones..

Am          D
on the fast lane.. (fast lane)
    G                         Em
too fast to stop, i'm missing out on..
Am                D         G   Em
everything.. that i.. care about..
(that i care about)

Am       D
had to be.. (to be)
    G                        Em
something i'm not, no matter what..
Am              D           G  Em
telling me.. to lose my sanity..
(lose my sanity)

  Am        D
i feel.. so done..
G                Em
trying to be the number one
    Am      D     G       Em
and all.. i wanna do.. is run..

Reff :
 Am               D
 take it slow and know that 
                 G   Em
 we're the lucky ones..
       Am            D
 never ever lose our voice 
                 G   Em
 to be the lucky ones..
 (never ever never ever lose our voice)

 Am               D
 take it slow and know that 
                 G   Em
 we're the lucky ones.. (hay ya ya ya ya)
       Am            D
 never ever lose our voice 
                 G   Em
 to be the lucky ones..

 don't make life a blur
 while we are young,
             G          Em
 take in the oxygen and don't pretend
          Am                  D
 that the sun don't shine for us
                       G   Em
 we're still the lucky ones..
 (yeah we're the lucky one)

  Am               D
 (take it slow and know that)
  take it slow..
                  G   Em
 (we're the lucky ones..)
        Am            D
 (never ever lose our voice)
  never lose our voice
                  G   Em
 (to be the lucky ones..)
  never ever lose our voice

  Am               D
 (take it slow and know that) yea
                  G   Em
 (we're the lucky ones..) uhu uhu uhu uhu
        Am            D
 (never ever lose our voice)
                  G   Em
 (to be the lucky ones..)
 (yea the lucky ones)

Outro : [spoke]
take it slow and know that 
we're the lucky ones..
never ever lose our voice 
to be the lucky ones..


Intro : A#m D# G# Fm

A#m     D#
outside yeah..
    G#                    Fm
the real world is calling out..
A#m        D#                  
all of the noise..
               G#  Fm
is getting too loud..

A#m    D#
    G#                   Fm
are being pushed to my direction..
A#m               D#
telling me.. that it's
           G#  Fm
for my own good..

  A#m       D#
i feel.. so done..
G#               Fm
trying to be the number one
    A#m     D#    G#      Fm
and all.. i wanna do.. is run..

Reff :
 A#m              D#
 take it slow and know that 
                 G#  Fm
 we're the lucky ones..
       A#m           D#
 never ever lose our voice 
                 G#  Fm
 to be the lucky ones..

 don't make life a blur
 while we are young,
             G#         Fm
 take in the oxygen and don't pretend
          A#m                 D#
 that the sun don't shine for us
                       G#  Fm
 we're still the lucky ones..

A#m         D#
on the fast lane.. (fast lane)
    G#                        Fm
too fast to stop, i'm missing out on..
A#m               D#        G#  Fm
everything.. that i.. care about..
(that i care about)

A#m      D#
had to be.. (to be)
    G#                       Fm
something i'm not, no matter what..
A#m             D#          G# Fm
telling me.. to lose my sanity..
(lose my sanity)

  A#m       D#
i feel.. so done..
G#               Fm
trying to be the number one
    A#m     D#    G#      Fm
and all.. i wanna do.. is run..

Reff :
 A#m              D#
 take it slow and know that 
                 G#  Fm
 we're the lucky ones..
       A#m           D#
 never ever lose our voice 
                 G#  Fm
 to be the lucky ones..
 (never ever never ever lose our voice)

 A#m              D#
 take it slow and know that 
                 G#  Fm
 we're the lucky ones.. (hay ya ya ya ya)
       A#m           D#
 never ever lose our voice 
                 G#  Fm
 to be the lucky ones..

 don't make life a blur
 while we are young,
             G#         Fm
 take in the oxygen and don't pretend
          A#m                 D#
 that the sun don't shine for us
                       G#  Fm
 we're still the lucky ones..
 (yeah we're the lucky one)

  A#m              D#
 (take it slow and know that)
  take it slow..
                  G#  Fm
 (we're the lucky ones..)
        A#m           D#
 (never ever lose our voice)
  never lose our voice
                  G#  Fm
 (to be the lucky ones..)
  never ever lose our voice

  A#m              D#
 (take it slow and know that) yea
                  G#  Fm
 (we're the lucky ones..) uhu uhu uhu uhu
        A#m           D#
 (never ever lose our voice)
                  G#  Fm
 (to be the lucky ones..)
 (yea the lucky ones)

Outro : [spoke]
take it slow and know that 
we're the lucky ones..
never ever lose our voice 
to be the lucky ones..

Chord Jaz - Lucky Ones

Lihat semua :
  • Chord JAZ

