Kunci Gitar Tamara Shamini - Exclusive

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2021-11-23T18:40:29+00:00 Kunci Gitar Tamara Shamini - Exclusive
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Tamara Shamini - Exclusive - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Tamara Shamini - Exclusive" yang dibawakan oleh Tamara Shamini. "Kunci Gitar Tamara Shamini - Exclusive" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Tamara Shamini - Exclusive" oleh Tamara Shamini. Kunci Gitar Tamara Shamini - Exclusive

Capo ♪ fret 2

Intro :
Am  F     G
    ah ah yeah..
Am  F     G
    ah ah yeah..

Am                       F           G
back in the club we were drinking it up..
Am                    F          G
dj put the record on, can't get enough..
back in the club we were
F             G
slamming them down..
players show me all your love
F        G
foolin' around..

Reff :
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..

yeah and we party on
F           G
yeah and we get it on
yeah and we stay till dawn
F           G         Am
yeah and we party all night
                F           G
and we party on yeah and we get it on
yeah and we stay till dawn
F           G         Am
yeah and we party all night

so the beat goes on
            G      Am
and we just let it go..
take a trip down memory lane
     G      Am
it's all we know..
yeah we move too fast
            G        Am
and then we move too slow..
you know it..

Reff :
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..

yeah and we party on
F           G
yeah and we get it on
yeah and we stay till dawn
F           G         Am  
yeah and we party all night

Int. Am  F G
     Am  F G

Am                F           G
 and we party on, yeah and we get it on
yeah and we stay till dawn
F           G         Am  
yeah and we party all night

Reff :
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (yeah and we party on yeah and we
 get it on)
 Am                      F    G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (yeah and we stay till dawn yeah
 and we party all night)

Am  F G         Am  F G
     party all night..

Am                       F           G
back in the club we were drinking it up..
(party all night)
Am                    F          G
dj put the record on, can't get enough..
back in the club we were
F             G
slamming them down..
players show me all your love
F        G
foolin' around..

Reff :
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..

 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (yeah and we party on yeah and we
 get it on)
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (yeah and we stay till dawn yeah
 and we party all night)
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (yeah and we party on yeah and we
 get it on)
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (yeah and we stay till dawn yeah
 and we party all night)

 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (so the beat goes on and we just
 let it go)
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (take a trip down memory lane
 it's all we know)
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (party all night)
 Am                      F      G
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..

Outro : Am  F G
        Am  F G


Intro :
Bm  G     A
    ah ah yeah..
Bm  G     A
    ah ah yeah..

Bm                       G           A
back in the club we were drinking it up..
Bm                    G          A
dj put the record on, can't get enough..
back in the club we were
G             A
slamming them down..
players show me all your love
G        A
foolin' around..

Reff :
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..

yeah and we party on
G           A
yeah and we get it on
yeah and we stay till dawn
G           A         Bm
yeah and we party all night
                G           A
and we party on yeah and we get it on
yeah and we stay till dawn
G           A         Bm
yeah and we party all night

so the beat goes on
            A      Bm
and we just let it go..
take a trip down memory lane
     A      Bm
it's all we know..
yeah we move too fast
            A        Bm
and then we move too slow..
you know it..

Reff :
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..

yeah and we party on
G           A
yeah and we get it on
yeah and we stay till dawn
G           A        (Bm)
yeah and we party all night

Int. Bm G A
     Bm G A

Bm                G           A
 and we party on, yeah and we get it on
yeah and we stay till dawn
G           A        (Bm)
yeah and we party all night

Reff :
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (yeah and we party on yeah and we
 get it on)
 Bm                      G    A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (yeah and we stay till dawn yeah
 and we party all night)

Bm G A         Bm   G A
     party all night..

Bm                       G           A
back in the club we were drinking it up..
(party all night)
Bm                    G          A
dj put the record on, can't get enough..
back in the club we were
G             A
slamming them down..
players show me all your love
G        A
foolin' around..

Reff :
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..

 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (yeah and we party on yeah and we
 get it on)
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (yeah and we stay till dawn yeah
 and we party all night)
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (yeah and we party on yeah and we
 get it on)
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (yeah and we stay till dawn yeah
 and we party all night)

 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (so the beat goes on and we just
 let it go)
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (take a trip down memory lane
 it's all we know)
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..
 (party all night)
 Bm                      G      A
 if you wanna be me then be exclusive..

Outro : Bm  G A
        Bm  G A

Chord Tamara Shamini - Exclusive

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Tamara Shamini

