Kunci Gitar Adele - To Be Loved

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2021-11-20T21:10:38+00:00 Kunci Gitar Adele - To Be Loved
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Adele - To Be Loved - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Adele - To Be Loved" yang dibawakan oleh Adele. "Kunci Gitar Adele - To Be Loved" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Adele - To Be Loved" oleh Adele. Kunci Gitar Adele - To Be Loved

Intro : C..

C                       Em
i built a house.. for a love to grow..
G               Am
 i was so young.. that it was hard to know..
F                     Em
 i'm as lost now.. as i was back then..
Dm                    G
 always make a mess of everything..

C                         Em
 it's about time.. that i face myself..
G                  Am
 all i do is bleed.. into someone else..
F                             Em
 painting walls.. with all my secret tears..
Dm                        G         
 filling rooms.. with all my hopes and fears..

    C       G/B   Am
but oh.. my, oh.. my..
G                      F
 i'll never learn.. if i never leap..
Em                      Dm      G
 i'll always yearn.. if i never speak..

Reff :
 C       Em          F
 to.. be loved.. and love.. 
 at the highest count..
 G        Am             G
 means to lose.. all the things..
         F                  Fm  
 i can't live without.. let it be known.. 

      C        Em
 that i.. will choose.. to lose..
  it's a sacrifice..
     G   Am           G
 but i.. can't live a lie..
            F          Fm
 let it be known.. let it be known..
        C    G F
 that i tried..

C                       Em
i'm so afraid.. but i'm open wide..
G                Am
 i'll be the one.. to catch myself this time..
F                  Em
 tryna learn.. to lean into it all..
Dm                    G
 ain't it funny how.. the mighty fall..

C                         Em
 looking back.. i don't regret a thing..
G                            Am
 yeah, i took some bad turns.. that i am owning.. 
F                            Em
i'll stand still and let the storm pass by..
Dm                           G
 keep my heart safe till the time feels right..

    C       G/B   Am
but oh.. my, oh.. my..
G                      F
 i'll never learn.. if i never leap..
Em                      Dm       G
 i'll always yearn.. if i never speak..

Reff :
 C       Em          F
 to.. be loved.. and love..
 at the highest count..
 G        Am             G
 means to lose.. all the things..
         F                  Fm  
 i can't live without.. let it be known.. 

      C        Em
 that i.. will choose.. to lose..
  it's a sacrifice..
     G   Am           G
 but i.. can't live a lie..
           F           Fm
 let it be known.. let it be known..

       Am    G#aug
that i cried.. for you
             G    D
even started lying.. to you..
       Dm          Em
what a thing to do..
F            G
all because i.. wanted..

Reff :
 C       Em          F
 to.. be loved.. and love..
 at the highest count..
 G        Am             G
 means to lose.. all the things..
 i can't live without..
 let it be known.. known known..

      C        Em
 that i.. will choose.. i will.. 
 lose.. it's a sacrifice..
     G   Am           G
 but i.. can't live a lie..
           F           Fm
 let it be known.. let it be known.. 
        C    Em F G        Am   G F
 that i tried..     that i tried.. 
     Fm                   C
 let it be known.. that i tried..


Special chords 
C#m = C#m6/E, Cm = G#/C

Intro : G#..

G#                      Cm
i built a house.. for a love to grow..
D#              Fm
 i was so young.. that it was hard to know..
C#                    Cm
 i'm as lost now.. as i was back then..
A#m                   D#
 always make a mess of everything..

G#                        Cm
 it's about time.. that i face myself..
D#                 Fm
 all i do is bleed.. into someone else..
C#                            Cm
 painting walls.. with all my secret tears..
A#m                       D#        
 filling rooms.. with all my hopes and fears..

    G#     D#/G   Fm
but oh.. my, oh.. my..
D#                     C#
 i'll never learn.. if i never leap..
Cm                      A#m     D#
 i'll always yearn.. if i never speak..

Reff :
 G#      Cm          C#
 to.. be loved.. and love.. 
 at the highest count..
 D#       Fm             D#
 means to lose.. all the things..
         C#                 C#m 
 i can't live without.. let it be known.. 

      G#       Cm
 that i.. will choose.. to lose..
  it's a sacrifice..
     D#  Fm           D#
 but i.. can't live a lie..
            C#         C#m
 let it be known.. let it be known..
        G#   D#/G C#
 that i tried..

G#                      Cm
i'm so afraid.. but i'm open wide..
D#               Fm
 i'll be the one.. to catch myself this time..
C#                 Cm
 tryna learn.. to lean into it all..
A#m                   D#
 ain't it funny how.. the mighty fall..

G#                        Cm
 looking back.. i don't regret a thing..
D#                           Fm
 yeah, i took some bad turns.. that i am owning.. 
C#                           Cm
i'll stand still and let the storm pass by..
A#m                          D#
 keep my heart safe till the time feels right..

    G#      D#/G  Fm
but oh.. my, oh.. my..
D#                     C#
 i'll never learn.. if i never leap..
Cm                      A#m      D#
 i'll always yearn.. if i never speak..

Reff :
 G#      Cm          C#
 to.. be loved.. and love..
 at the highest count..
 D#       Fm             D#
 means to lose.. all the things..
         C#                 C#m 
 i can't live without.. let it be known.. 

      G#       Cm
 that i.. will choose.. to lose..
  it's a sacrifice..
     D#  Fm           D#
 but i.. can't live a lie..
           C#          C#m
 let it be known.. let it be known..

       Fm    Eaug
that i cried.. for you
             D#  A#/D
even started lying.. to you..
       A#m         Cm
what a thing to do..
C#           D#
all because i.. wanted..

Reff :
 G#      Cm          C#
 to.. be loved.. and love..
 at the highest count..
 D#       Fm             D#
 means to lose.. all the things..
 i can't live without..
 let it be known.. known known..

      G#       Cm
 that i.. will choose.. i will.. 
 lose.. it's a sacrifice..
     D#  Fm           D#
 but i.. can't live a lie..
           C#          C#m
 let it be known.. let it be known.. 
        G#   Cm C# D#       Fm   D# C#
 that i tried..      that i tried.. 
     C#m                  G#
 let it be known.. that i tried..

Chord Adele - To Be Loved

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Adele

