Kunci Gitar clide - come over

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2021-10-12T18:53:36+00:00 Kunci Gitar clide - come over
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar clide - come over - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar clide - come over" yang dibawakan oleh Lagu Barat. "Kunci Gitar clide - come over" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar clide - come over" oleh Lagu Barat. Kunci Gitar clide - come over

Capo fret 2

Em                      C
 sometimes you cross my mind
and i wonder if
i was right when i thought
you're the one for me
but maybe it's irrelevant
      C                           G
cause right now it's just what it is 
it's just what it is yeah yeah

Em                    C
 but if you came over now
we could love or just
talk about random stuff or some politics
   Em                     C
or silently remain in the moment
if you wanted it
if you wanted it yeah yeah

Em          C              G
 and if you don't let go tonight..
if you don't let go i might
           C             G
ask you to stay a little longer..
stay a little longer..

Reff :
 Em  C       G
     hold on me..
 just in case you don't have
 some other plans tonight
 Em       C       G 
  darlin' hold on me..
 i could really use somebody by my side
 Em  C       G
     hold on me..
 i ain't got that much to offer
 but i'll treat you right
 Em       C       G
  darlin' hold on me..
 darlin' hold on me tonight

Int. Em C G..

Em                       C
 cause when i'm all by myself
then i think too much
and when i try to find distraction
i drink too much
i guess i just get caught up way
    C                 G
too easily in what it was
in what it was yeah yeah
Em                    C
 but if you came over now
we could love or just
put on a movie stay in bed
and don't get up
or listen to the music
that i wrote for ya
G                      (-D)
 that i wrote for ya yeah yeah

Em          C              G
 and if you don't let go tonight..
if you don't let go i might
           C             G
ask you to stay a little longer..
stay a little longer..

Reff :
 Em  C       G
     hold on me..
 just in case you don't have
 some other plans tonight
         C       G 
 darlin' hold on me..
 i could really use somebody by my side
 Em  C       G
     hold on me..
 i ain't got that much to offer
 but i'll treat you right
 Em       C       G
  darlin' hold on me..
 darlin' hold on me tonight

C       G
hold on me..
(hold on me tonight yeah yeah)
Em       C       G
 darlin' hold on me..
(i could really use somebody)
Em  C       G
    hold on me..
(i could really use somebody)
Em       C       G
 darlin' hold on me..
(darlin hold on me tonight)

Outro : Em C G..


clide - come over

F#m                     D
 sometimes you cross my mind
and i wonder if
i was right when i thought
you're the one for me
but maybe it's irrelevant
      D                           A
cause right now it's just what it is 
it's just what it is yeah yeah

F#m                   D
 but if you came over now
we could love or just
talk about random stuff or some politics
   F#m                    D
or silently remain in the moment
if you wanted it
if you wanted it yeah yeah

F#m         D              A
 and if you don't let go tonight..
if you don't let go i might
           D             A
ask you to stay a little longer..
stay a little longer..

Reff :
 F#m D       A
     hold on me..
 just in case you don't have
 some other plans tonight
 F#m      D       A 
  darlin' hold on me..
 i could really use somebody by my side
 F#m D       A
     hold on me..
 i ain't got that much to offer
 but i'll treat you right
 F#m      D       A
  darlin' hold on me..
 darlin' hold on me tonight

Int. F#m D A..

F#m                      D
 cause when i'm all by myself
then i think too much
and when i try to find distraction
i drink too much
i guess i just get caught up way
    D                 A
too easily in what it was
in what it was yeah yeah
F#m                   D
 but if you came over now
we could love or just
put on a movie stay in bed
and don't get up
or listen to the music
that i wrote for ya
A                      (-E)
 that i wrote for ya yeah yeah

F#m         D              A
 and if you don't let go tonight..
if you don't let go i might
           D             A
ask you to stay a little longer..
stay a little longer..

Reff :
 F#m D       A
     hold on me..
 just in case you don't have
 some other plans tonight
         D       A 
 darlin' hold on me..
 i could really use somebody by my side
 F#m D       A
     hold on me..
 i ain't got that much to offer
 but i'll treat you right
 F#m      D       A
  darlin' hold on me..
 darlin' hold on me tonight

D       A
hold on me..
(hold on me tonight yeah yeah)
F#m      D       A
 darlin' hold on me..
(i could really use somebody)
F#m D       A
    hold on me..
(i could really use somebody)
F#m      D       A
 darlin' hold on me..
(darlin hold on me tonight)

Outro : F#m D A..

Chord clide - come over

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Clide
  • Chord Lagu Barat

