Kunci Gitar Cash Cash feat. Christina Perri - Hero

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2021-10-05T15:21:31+00:00 Kunci Gitar Cash Cash feat. Christina Perri - Hero
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Cash Cash feat. Christina Perri - Hero - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Cash Cash feat. Christina Perri - Hero" yang dibawakan oleh Christina Perri. "Kunci Gitar Cash Cash feat. Christina Perri - Hero" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Cash Cash feat. Christina Perri - Hero" oleh Christina Perri. Kunci Gitar Cash Cash feat. Christina Perri - Hero

Capo ♪ fret 4

C                        Em
 i let my soul fall into you
i never thought i'd fall right through 
           F              C
i fell for every word you said..
C                          Em
 you made me feel i needed you
and forced my heart to
think it's true
                F              C
but i found i'm powerless with you..

Reff :
     Am        F 
 now i.. don't need
               C  -G/B
 your wings to fly..
    Am               F
 no i.. don't need a hand
            C         G/B
 to hold in mine this time..
     Am               F
 you held me down but i broke free
   C                G/B
 i found the love inside of me
     Am               F          C
 now i.. don't need a hero to survive
         Em               Am  F C -G/B
 cause i already saved my life..
 Am F C         G/B              C 
       cause i already saved my life..

C                      Em
 i fell into your fantasy
but that's all our love will ever be..
               F              C
i lost hope in saving you and me..
C                            Em
 you think i'm lost falling apart
but your lies
just made a stronger heart
           F             C
my life is just about to start..

Reff :
     Am        F 
 now i.. don't need
               C  -G/B
 your wings to fly..
    Am               F
 no i.. don't need a hand
            C         G/B
 to hold in mine this time..
     Am               F
 you held me down but i broke free
   C                G/B
 i found the love inside of me..
     Am               F          C
 now i.. don't need a hero to survive
         Em               Am
 cause i already saved my life..
 F                C
 already saved my life..
   G/B              Am
 i already saved my life..
 F                C
 already saved my life..
  (G/B)            (Am)
 i already saved my life..

Int. Am F C G/B
     Am F C G/B

Reff :
     Am        F 
 now i.. don't need
               C  -G/B
 your wings to fly..
 (don't need your wings to fly)
    Am               F
 no i.. don't need a hand
            C         G/B
 to hold in mine this time..
 (this time)
     Am               F
 you held me down but i broke free
   C                G/B
 i found the love inside of me..
     Am               F          C
 now i.. don't need a hero to survive
         Em               Am
 cause i already saved my life..
 F                C
 already saved my life..
   G/B              Am
 i already saved my life..
 F                C
 already saved my life..
   G/B              Am
 i already saved my life..

Outro :
    Am        F                  C
now i.. don't need your wings to fly..


E                        G#m
 i let my soul fall into you
i never thought i'd fall right through 
           A              E
i fell for every word you said..
E                          G#m
 you made me feel i needed you
and forced my heart to
think it's true
                A              E
but i found i'm powerless with you..

Reff :
     C#m       A 
 now i.. don't need
               E  -B/D#
 your wings to fly..
    C#m              A
 no i.. don't need a hand
            E         B/D#
 to hold in mine this time..
     C#m              A
 you held me down but i broke free
   E                B/D#
 i found the love inside of me
     C#m              A          E
 now i.. don't need a hero to survive
         G#m              C#m A E -B/D#
 cause i already saved my life..
 C#m A E         B/D#            (E)
        cause i already saved my life..

E                      G#m
 i fell into your fantasy
but that's all our love will ever be..
               A              E
i lost hope in saving you and me..
E                            G#m
 you think i'm lost falling apart
but your lies
just made a stronger heart
           A             E
my life is just about to start..

Reff :
     C#m       A 
 now i.. don't need
               E  B/D#
 your wings to fly..
    C#m              A
 no i.. don't need a hand
            E         B/D#
 to hold in mine this time..
     C#m              A
 you held me down but i broke free
   E                B/D#
 i found the love inside of me..
     C#m              A          E
 now i.. don't need a hero to survive
         G#m              C#m
 cause i already saved my life..
 A                E
 already saved my life..
   B/D#             C#m
 i already saved my life..
 A                E
 already saved my life..
  (B/D#)           (C#m)
 i already saved my life..

Int. C#m A E B/D#
     C#m A E B/D#

Reff :
     C#m       A 
 now i.. don't need
               E  -B/D#
 your wings to fly..
 (don't need your wings to fly)
    C#m              A
 no i.. don't need a hand
            E         B/D#
 to hold in mine this time..
 (this time)
     C#m              A
 you held me down but i broke free
   E                B/D#
 i found the love inside of me..
     C#m              A          E
 now i.. don't need a hero to survive
         G#m              C#m
 cause i already saved my life..
 A                E
 already saved my life..
   B/D#             C#m
 i already saved my life..
 A                E
 already saved my life..
   B/D#             C#m
 i already saved my life..

Outro :
    C#m       A                  E
now i.. don't need your wings to fly..

Chord Cash Cash feat. Christina Perri - Hero

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Cash Cash
  • Chord Christina Perri

