Kunci Gitar Coldplay - Coloratura

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2021-07-26T17:37:38+00:00 Kunci Gitar Coldplay - Coloratura
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Coldplay - Coloratura - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Coldplay - Coloratura" yang dibawakan oleh Coldplay. "Kunci Gitar Coldplay - Coloratura" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Coldplay - Coloratura" oleh Coldplay. Kunci Gitar Coldplay - Coloratura

Catatan :
♫ Chord sudah dimudahkan.
♫ Lihat versi originalnya dibawah.
♫ Capo fret 2.
Intro : C Gm C... F F C Am F F C Fm Am C7 C Fm C.. C coloratura.. Fm we fell in thorough the clouds Am and everyone before us is there C7 welcoming us now F is the end of death and doubt Fm and loneliness is out.. C coloratura.. Fm the place we dreamed about Am the melodies inside yourself C7 and love come pouring out F and everyone's allowed.. Fm C..C-Bm we're feathered by the crowd.. Reff : F and up there in the heavens Em -Dm -C galileo and those pining for the moon.. Am know it's a slow.. burn.. F through pioneer and helix Em -Dm -C oumuamua, heliopause and neptune.. Gm F we're a slow.. burning tune.. G# C but we'll get.. there so for now.. D F Dm in this crazy world.. i do.. C Fm Am C7 i just want you.. F in the end it's all about.. Fm C..C-Bm the love you're sending out.. Reff : F and up there in the heavens the explorers who've all gathered Em -Dm-C Am by balloon.. saw the world.. turn.. F through voyager, callisto, Em -Dm-C calliope, betelgeuse, the neon moons.. Gm F we're a slow.. burning tune.. G# C but we'll touch.. down soon so will you.. D F Dm and in this crazy world.. i do.. (C) i just want you.. Music : C.. Am D Am Fm F G Bb E Am C F Em Am C F Em Am F E F G Am Em F G Am Em F E Bm E F Em-Dm C Am F Em-Dm C Em Reff : F and up there in the heavens -G Am galileo saw reflections of us too C pluribus unum, unus mundus F all the satellites imbue the purple, yellow, green, red, orange and the blue G G7sus4 G7 oh it's a crazy world.. it's true.. F C Am sing it out o o o oh.. o o o oh.. F G D C o o o oh.. o o o oh.. D F Dm and in this crazy world.. i do.. C i just want.. D F Dm in this crazy world.. it's true.. C Dm C Dm C i just want you.. Dm C poets prophesy up in the blue.. F C together.. that's how we'll make it through Outro : Bb F G# C D F C -------------- ===ORIGINAL CHORD=== -------------- Intro : D Am D... G G D Bm G G D Gm6/D Bm7/D D7 D Gm6/D D.. D coloratura.. Gm6/D we fell in thorough the clouds Bm7/D and everyone before us is there D7 welcoming us now G/D is the end of death and doubt Gm6/D and loneliness is out.. D coloratura.. Gm6/D the place we dreamed about Bm7/D the melodies inside yourself D7 and love come pouring out G/D and everyone's allowed.. Gm6/D D..D-A/C# we're feathered by the crowd.. Reff : G and up there in the heavens D/F#-Em-D galileo and those pining for the moon.. Bm know it's a slow.. burn.. G through pioneer and helix D/F#-Em-D oumuamua, heliopause and neptune.. Am G we're a slow.. burning tune.. Bb D but we'll get.. there so for now.. E7/B G Em in this crazy world.. i do.. D Gm6/D Bm7/D D7 i just want you.. G/D in the end it's all about.. Gm6/D D..D-A/C# the love you're sending out.. Reff : G and up there in the heavens the explorers who've all gathered D/F#-Em-D Bm by balloon.. saw the world.. turn.. G through voyager, callisto, D/F#-Em-D calliope, betelgeuse, the neon moons.. Am G we're a slow.. burning tune.. Bb D but we'll touch.. down soon so will you.. E7/B G Em and in this crazy world.. i do.. (D) i just want you.. Music : D.. Bm E7 Bm7 Gm6 G A C F# Bm D G F#m Bm D G F#m Bm G -F# G A Bm F#m G A Bm F#m G F# A/C# F# G D/F#-Em D Bm G D/F#-Em D F#m Reff : G and up there in the heavens -A Bm galileo saw reflections of us too D pluribus unum, unus mundus G all the satellites imbue the purple, yellow, green, red, orange and the blue A A7sus4 A7 oh it's a crazy world.. it's true.. G D Bm sing it out o o o oh.. o o o oh.. G A E7 D o o o oh.. o o o oh.. E7/B G Em and in this crazy world.. i do.. D i just want.. E7/B G Em in this crazy world.. it's true.. D Em D Em D i just want you.. Em D poets prophesy up in the blue.. G D together.. that's how we'll make it through Outro : C G Bb D E7 G D

Chord Coldplay - Coloratura

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  • Chord Coldplay

