Kunci Gitar Anne Marie - Better Not Together

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2021-07-27T16:40:33+00:00 Kunci Gitar Anne Marie - Better Not Together
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Anne Marie - Better Not Together - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Anne Marie - Better Not Together" yang dibawakan oleh Anne Marie. "Kunci Gitar Anne Marie - Better Not Together" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Anne Marie - Better Not Together" oleh Anne Marie. Kunci Gitar Anne Marie - Better Not Together

Intro : C Em Am F

C                         Em
i know i was playing with fire
                    Am      F
from the day that i met you..
C                     Em
memories replay in my mind
                   Am      F
make it hard to forget you..
          C                Em
reason to run.. reason to stay..
              Am                 F
just one more night, it will be okay..
           C                      Em  
used to be fun.. now everything's changed..
don't know how much more we can take
here we go again..
Reff :
 C                  Em
  no, i don't wanna fight
 don't wanna say goodbye
 when will we realize 
 we're better not together

 C                     Em
  been here a thousand times
 least we can say we tried
 whеn will we realize 
 wе're better not together

C               Em           Am
 cos neither of us wanna be alone
             F                      C
we're losing grip, but we can't let go..
              Em                          Am
i don't wanna fight, it's time to say goodbye
we need to realize we're better not together
C                             Em
loved me like the heat of the sun
                        Am     F
now your vibe's getting colder..
C                          Em
screaming at the top of my lungs
                         Am     F
and then i'm pulling you closer..
          C                Em
reason to run.. reason to stay..
              Am                 F
just one more night, it will be okay..
           C                      Em
used to be fun.. now everything's changed..
don't know how much more we can take
here we go again..
Reff :
 C                  Em
  no, i don't wanna fight
 don't wanna say goodbye
 when will we realize 
 we're better not together..

 C                     Em
  been here a thousand times
 least we can say we tried
 whеn will we realize 
 wе're better not together..
C               Em           Am
 cos neither of us wanna be alone
             F                      C
we're losing grip, but we can't let go
              Em                          Am
i don't wanna fight, it's time to say goodbye
we need to realize we're better not together..
C                 Em
 no i don't wanna fight..
     Am                   F
oh.. it's time to say goodbye..
C                     Em
 been here a thousand times
least we can say we tried
we need to realize we're better not together
Reff :
 C                  Em
  no, i don't wanna fight
 don't wanna say goodbye
 when will we realize 
 we're better not together..

 C                     Em
  been here a thousand times
 least we can say we tried
 whеn will we realize 
 wе're better not together..

C               Em           Am
 cos neither of us wanna be alone
             F                      C
we're losing grip, but we can't let go
              Em                          Am
i don't wanna fight, it's time to say goodbye
              F                         C
we need to realize we're better not together
Em                    Am  F
we're better not together..


Intro : G# Cm Fm C#

G#                        Cm
i know i was playing with fire
                    Fm      C#
from the day that i met you..
G#                    Cm
memories replay in my mind
                   Fm      C#
make it hard to forget you..
          G#               Cm
reason to run.. reason to stay..
              Fm                 C#
just one more night, it will be okay..
           G#                     Cm  
used to be fun.. now everything's changed..
don't know how much more we can take
here we go again..
Reff :
 G#                 Cm
  no, i don't wanna fight
 don't wanna say goodbye
 when will we realize 
 we're better not together

 G#                    Cm
  been here a thousand times
 least we can say we tried
 whеn will we realize 
 wе're better not together

G#              Cm           Fm
 cos neither of us wanna be alone
             C#                     G#
we're losing grip, but we can't let go..
              Cm                          Fm
i don't wanna fight, it's time to say goodbye
we need to realize we're better not together
G#                            Cm
loved me like the heat of the sun
                        Fm     C#
now your vibe's getting colder..
G#                         Cm
screaming at the top of my lungs
                         Fm     C#
and then i'm pulling you closer..
          G#               Cm
reason to run.. reason to stay..
              Fm                 C#
just one more night, it will be okay..
           G#                     Cm
used to be fun.. now everything's changed..
don't know how much more we can take
here we go again..
Reff :
 G#                 Cm
  no, i don't wanna fight
 don't wanna say goodbye
 when will we realize 
 we're better not together..

 G#                    Cm
  been here a thousand times
 least we can say we tried
 whеn will we realize 
 wе're better not together..
G#              Cm           Fm
 cos neither of us wanna be alone
             C#                     G#
we're losing grip, but we can't let go
              Cm                          Fm
i don't wanna fight, it's time to say goodbye
we need to realize we're better not together..
G#                Cm
 no i don't wanna fight..
     Fm                   C#
oh.. it's time to say goodbye..
G#                    Cm
 been here a thousand times
least we can say we tried
we need to realize we're better not together
Reff :
 G#                 Cm
  no, i don't wanna fight
 don't wanna say goodbye
 when will we realize 
 we're better not together..

 G#                    Cm
  been here a thousand times
 least we can say we tried
 whеn will we realize 
 wе're better not together..

G#              Cm           Fm
 cos neither of us wanna be alone
             C#                     G#
we're losing grip, but we can't let go
              Cm                          Fm
i don't wanna fight, it's time to say goodbye
              C#                        G#
we need to realize we're better not together
Cm                    Fm  C#
we're better not together..

Chord Anne Marie - Better Not Together

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Anne Marie

