Kunci Gitar Superman Is Dead - Company Misery

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2021-06-29T19:03:43+00:00 Kunci Gitar Superman Is Dead - Company Misery
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Superman Is Dead - Company Misery - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Superman Is Dead - Company Misery" yang dibawakan oleh Superman Is Dead Sid. "Kunci Gitar Superman Is Dead - Company Misery" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Superman Is Dead - Company Misery" oleh Superman Is Dead Sid. Kunci Gitar Superman Is Dead - Company Misery

Capo ♪ fret 2

C                      F
 Do you ever count my worry
Am    G               F   F-G
 If only when you got time..
C                      F      
 Wash away the rain of tragedy
Am        G            F
 It won't less evil or crime..
E                         F
 Something down to never cry about
(All night long..)
E                        F
 Or somewhere you never know to stop
Heaven's coming..
 C     G
 Wo o oo..
          Am            F
 Break it down this misery loves company
 C   G
  Wo oo..
         Am               F
 Will be gone it's just a day to disappear
 C    G
  Wo oo..
         Am          F
 Keep it up the victory makes me happy
 C    G
  Wo oo..
         Am              F
 No body knows how can I live eternally
 Em         F         Em     F
 Leave your sad.. and broken hearted..
 Em      F      G
 You and me set free..
C                             F
 Sleepless night it's just a story
Am       G                 F    F-G
 Nothing less when you get high..
C                   F
 I can do is not to worry
Am       G           F
 If only anyone will care..
E                        F
 Something down to never cry about
(All night long..)
E                        F
..Or somewhere you never know to stop
Heaven's coming..
 C     G
 Wo o oo..
          Am            F
 Break it down this misery loves company
 C   G
  Wo oo..
         Am               F
 Will be gone it's just a day to disappear
 C    G
  Wo oo..
         Am          F
 Keep it up the victory makes me happy
 C    G
  Wo oo..
         Am              F
 No body knows how can I live eternally
 Em         F         Em     F
 Leave your sad.. and broken hearted..
 Em      F      G
 You and me set free..
Musik : C G Am Em  F G 
        C G Am Em  F G 
E                        F
 Something down to never cry about
(All night long..)
E                        F
..Or somewhere you never know to stop
Heaven's coming..
C       G           Am
 Let it high let it down 
       F                   C
Let it grows when we're on glow
       G              Am            F
Let it anything could happen day by day..
C        G              Am 
 Put the smile on shimmering 
    F                    C
Moonlight cry will never will
It won't be the same 
Going out this world 
And going off on you

Reff: (Overtune)
 D    A
  Wo oo..
          Bm            G             D 
 Break it down this misery loves company
 D    A
  Wo oo..
         Bm               G
 Will be gone it's just a day to disappear
 D    A
  Wo oo..
         Bm          G
 Keep it up the victory makes me happy
 D    A
  Wo oo..
          Bm             G
 No body knows how can I live eternally
 Bb        C               Dm
 Blaze our light we are on fire..
 Bb          C
 Fly to the skies much longer

Outro : Dm


D                      G
 Do you ever count my worry
Bm    A               G   G-A
 If only when you got time..
D                      G      
 Wash away the rain of tragedy
Bm        A            G
 It won't less evil or crime..
F#                        G
 Something down to never cry about
(All night long..)
F#                       G
 Or somewhere you never know to stop
Heaven's coming..
 D     A
 Wo o oo..
          Bm            G
 Break it down this misery loves company
 D   A
  Wo oo..
         Bm               G
 Will be gone it's just a day to disappear
 D    A
  Wo oo..
         Bm          G
 Keep it up the victory makes me happy
 D    A
  Wo oo..
         Bm              G
 No body knows how can I live eternally
 F#m        G         F#m    G
 Leave your sad.. and broken hearted..
 F#m     G      A
 You and me set free..
D                             G
 Sleepless night it's just a story
Bm       A                 G    G-A
 Nothing less when you get high..
D                   G
 I can do is not to worry
Bm       A           G
 If only anyone will care..
F#                       G
 Something down to never cry about
(All night long..)
F#                       G
..Or somewhere you never know to stop
Heaven's coming..
 D     A
 Wo o oo..
          Bm            G
 Break it down this misery loves company
 D   A
  Wo oo..
         Bm               G
 Will be gone it's just a day to disappear
 D    A
  Wo oo..
         Bm          G
 Keep it up the victory makes me happy
 D    A
  Wo oo..
         Bm              G
 No body knows how can I live eternally
 F#m        G         F#m    G
 Leave your sad.. and broken hearted..
 F#m     G      A
 You and me set free..
Musik : D A Bm F#m G..A..
        D A Bm F#m G..A..
F#                       G
 Something down to never cry about
(All night long..)
F#                       G
..Or somewhere you never know to stop
Heaven's coming..
D       A           Bm
 Let it high let it down 
       G                   D
Let it grows when we're on glow
       A              Bm            G
Let it anything could happen day by day..
D        A              Bm 
 Put the smile on shimmering 
    G                    D
Moonlight cry will never will
It won't be the same 
Going out this World 
And going off on you

Reff: (Overtune)
 E    B
  Wo oo..
          C#m           A
 Break it down this misery loves company
 E    B
  Wo oo..
         C#m              A
 Will be gone it's just a day to disappear
 E    B
  Wo oo..
         C#m         A
 Keep it up the victory makes me happy
 E    B
  Wo oo..
          C#m            A
 No body knows how can I live eternally
 C         D               Em
 Blaze our light we are on fire..
 C           D
 Fly to the skies much longer

Outro : Em

Chord Superman Is Dead - Company Misery

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Superman Is Dead (SID)

