Kunci Gitar Machine Gun Kelly feat. Kellin Quinn - Love Race

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2021-06-02T08:41:57+00:00 Kunci Gitar Machine Gun Kelly feat. Kellin Quinn - Love Race
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Machine Gun Kelly feat. Kellin Quinn - Love Race - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Machine Gun Kelly feat. Kellin Quinn - Love Race" yang dibawakan oleh Machine Gun Kelly. "Kunci Gitar Machine Gun Kelly feat. Kellin Quinn - Love Race" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Machine Gun Kelly feat. Kellin Quinn - Love Race" oleh Machine Gun Kelly. Kunci Gitar Machine Gun Kelly feat. Kellin Quinn - Love Race

Capo ♪ fret 3

Intro : Em C            G D
          da, da, da, da

  Em             C
i found a silver ring..
    G            D
and put it on my finger..
  Em              C
i picked up my guitar..
    G                 D
and played it for the reaper..

Em        C
God was a girl..
    G            D
the devil wore a t-shirt..
Em        C
love is a game and they
     G              D
were kissing in the bleachers..

C   D     Em            G
i, don't, want to be without you but
C    Em    D
i'm, here, screaming by myself

Reff :
            Em  C  G  D
 i'm on the run..
            Em  C  G      D
 i'm on the run.. (i'm on the run)
            Em  C  G  D
 i'm on the run..
        Em      C
 to get back to you (to get back)
        G       D
 to get back to you

  Em             C
i find a special ring
and put it on her finger
  Em            C
a voice said suddenly
        G           D
“you're never gonna keep her”

Em      C            G
 please don't look behind us,
thе past is trying to catch up
Em   C             G
 pressures from outside us,
i got claustrophobia

C   D     Em            G
i, don't, want to be without you but
C    Em    D
i'm, here, screaming by myself..

Reff :
            Em  C  G  D
 i'm on the run..
            Em  C  G      D
 i'm on the run.. (i'm on the run)
            Em  C  G  D
 i'm on the run..
        Em      C
 to get back to you (to get back)
        G       D
 to get back to you

Em        C
God was a girl..
    G            D
the devil wore a t-shirt..
Em        C
love is a game and they
     G              D
were kissing in the bleachers..

Em        C
God was a girl..
    G            D
the devil wore a t-shirt..
Em        C
love is a game and they
were kissing in the bleachers..

Reff :

 i'm on the run..
 (i'm on the run, let's go)
            Em  C  G        D
 i'm on the run..  (to get back to you)
            Em  C  G        D
 i'm on the run..  (to get back to you)
        Em      C
 to get back to you (to get back)
        G       D
 to get back to you

C   D     Em            G
i, don't, want to be without you but
C    Em    D
i'm, here, screaming by myself..

Reff :
            Em C  G      D
 i'm on the run.. (i'm on the run)
        Em      C
 to get back to you
        G       D
 to get back to you

        Em C    G
 lets go,   yeah
    D           Em
 to get back to you..
 C              G
 oh, to get back, to get back
 to get back to you
 no, no-no, no
 no, no-no, no
 no, no-no, no


Intro : Gm D#           A# F
          da, da, da, da

  Gm             D#
i found a silver ring..
    A#           F
and put it on my finger..
  Gm              D#
i picked up my guitar..
    A#                F
and played it for the reaper..

Gm        D#
God was a girl..
    A#           F
the devil wore a t-shirt..
Gm        D#
love is a game and they
     A#             F
were kissing in the bleachers..

D#  F     Gm            A#
i, don't, want to be without you but
D#   Gm    F
i'm, here, screaming by myself

Reff :
            Gm D# A# F
 i'm on the run..
            Gm  D# A#     F
 i'm on the run.. (i'm on the run)
            Gm D# A# F
 i'm on the run..
        Gm      D#
 to get back to you (to get back)
        A#      F
 to get back to you

  Gm             D#
i find a special ring
and put it on her finger
  Gm            D#
a voice said suddenly
        A#          F
“you're never gonna keep her”

Gm      D#           A#
 please don't look behind us,
thе past is trying to catch up
Gm   D#            A#
 pressures from outside us,
i got claustrophobia

D#  F     Gm            A#
i, don't, want to be without you but
D#   Gm    F
i'm, here, screaming by myself..

Reff :
            Gm D# A# F
 i'm on the run..
            Gm  D# A#     F
 i'm on the run.. (i'm on the run)
            Gm D# A# F
 i'm on the run..
        Gm      D#
 to get back to you (to get back)
        A#      F
 to get back to you

Gm        D#
God was a girl..
    A#           F
the devil wore a t-shirt..
Gm        D#
love is a game and they
     A#             F
were kissing in the bleachers..

Gm        D#
God was a girl..
    A#           F
the devil wore a t-shirt..
Gm        D#
love is a game and they
were kissing in the bleachers..

Reff :

 i'm on the run..
 (i'm on the run, let's go)
            Gm D# A#       F
 i'm on the run..  (to get back to you)
            Gm D# A#       F
 i'm on the run..  (to get back to you)
        Gm      D#
 to get back to you (to get back)
        A#      F
 to get back to you

D#  F     Gm            A#
i, don't, want to be without you but
D#   Gm    F
i'm, here, screaming by myself..

Reff :
            Gm  D# A#     F
 i'm on the run.. (i'm on the run)
        Gm      D#
 to get back to you
        A#      F
 to get back to you

        Gm D#   A#
 lets go,   yeah
    F           Gm
 to get back to you..
 D#             A#
 oh, to get back, to get back
 to get back to you
 no, no-no, no
 no, no-no, no
 no, no-no, no

Chord Machine Gun Kelly feat. Kellin Quinn - Love Race

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Kellin Quinn
  • Chord Machine Gun Kelly

