Kunci Gitar Chris Lane - Ain't Even Met You Yet

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2021-06-16T10:37:28+00:00 Kunci Gitar Chris Lane - Ain't Even Met You Yet
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Chris Lane - Ain't Even Met You Yet - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Chris Lane - Ain't Even Met You Yet" yang dibawakan oleh Chris Lane. "Kunci Gitar Chris Lane - Ain't Even Met You Yet" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Chris Lane - Ain't Even Met You Yet" oleh Chris Lane. Kunci Gitar Chris Lane - Ain't Even Met You Yet

Capo ♪ fret 4

Intro : C G/B Am G
        F G C..

C            G/B
 hey buddy i couldn't sleep..
Am               G
 and i know your mom would kill me..
F              Em
 if i reached across this bed
    Dm             G
and turned that TV on..

C                   G/B
 so i snuck to that upstairs room..
Am               G        F
 that we painted carolina blue
sat down in a rocking chair
    Dm                         G
and stared at your name on the wall..

F                          G
 and it just hit me all at once
in a couple of months..

Reff :
 F          G                C
  i'm gonna get to hold your hand..
 F             G             Am
  you're gonna make this old boy
-G/B      Am-G
 your old man..
 F       G         Am     G  F
  i feel ready but i feel scared to death..
      -Em        F
 all i know is i love you
       G              C
 and i ain't even met you yet..

C                   G/B
 i wonder what your first words will be
Am                  G
 i wonder if you'll look like me
F                  Em
 i wonder what the dogs will think
    Dm               G
the day we bring you home..

Reff :
 F          G            C
  i'm gonna buy you your first glove..
 F             G         C     G/B-Am-G
  you're gonna earn that first truck..
 F       G         Am     G  F 
  i feel ready but i feel scared to death..
      -Em        F   
 all i know is i love you
       G              C
 and i ain't even met you yet..

Music : C G  C     G
           hmm.. mm..

yeah i'm always gonna love you..
G                       C
 sometimes you'll wanna hate me..
and just between us two..
G                 C
sometimes momma's crazy..
but we're just learning as we go
     F                   G
yeah somewhere down that road..

Reff :
 F          G             C 
  i'm gonna hand you your first beer..
 F              G                 C
  and i'm gonna cry when you pack up
 -G/B      -Am-G
  and leave here..
 F       G         Am     G  F
  i feel ready but i feel scared to death..
      -Em           F
 gonna say a little prayer
 kiss your momma and go to bed..
 it's crazy how much i love you
       G              F
 and i ain't even met you yet..
   G             (C)
 i ain't even met you yet..

Outro : C G/B  Am     G
                hmm.. mm..
        F G C


Intro : E B/D# C#m B
        A B E..

E            B/D#
 hey buddy i couldn't sleep..
C#m              B
 and i know your mom would kill me..
A              E/G#
 if i reached across this bed
    F#m            B
and turned that TV on..

E                   B/D#
 so i snuck to that upstairs room..
C#m              B        A
 that we painted carolina blue
sat down in a rocking chair
    F#m                        B
and stared at your name on the wall..

A                          B
 and it just hit me all at once
in a couple of months..

Reff :
 A          B                E
  i'm gonna get to hold your hand..
 A             B             C#m
  you're gonna make this old boy
-B/D#    -C#m-B
 your old man..
 A       B         C#m    B  A
  i feel ready but i feel scared to death..
      -E/G#      A
 all i know is i love you
       B              E
 and i ain't even met you yet..

E                   B/D#
 i wonder what your first words will be
C#m                 B
 i wonder if you'll look like me
A                  E/G#
 i wonder what the dogs will think
    F#m              B
the day we bring you home..

Reff :
 A          B            E
  i'm gonna buy you your first glove..
 A             B         E     B/D#-C#m-B
  you're gonna earn that first truck..
 A       B         C#m    B   A 
  i feel ready but i feel scared to death..
      -E/G#      A   
 all i know is i love you
       B              E
 and i ain't even met you yet..

Music : E B   E     B
           hmm.. mm..

yeah i'm always gonna love you..
B                       E
 sometimes you'll wanna hate me..
and just between us two..
B                 E
sometimes momma's crazy..
but we're just learning as we go
     A                   B
yeah somewhere down that road..

Reff :
 A          B             E 
  i'm gonna hand you your first beer..
 A              B                 E
  and i'm gonna cry when you pack up
 -B/D#     -C#m-B
  and leave here..
 A       B         C#m    B   A
  i feel ready but i feel scared to death..
      -E/G#         A
 gonna say a little prayer
 kiss your momma and go to bed..
 it's crazy how much i love you
       B              A
 and i ain't even met you yet..
   B             (E)
 i ain't even met you yet..

Outro : E B/D# C#m    B
                hmm.. mm..
        A B E

Chord Chris Lane - Ain't Even Met You Yet

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Chris Lane

