Kunci Gitar Aviwkila - Juni (You Will Always Gonna Be My Love)

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2021-06-07T05:48:31+00:00 Kunci Gitar Aviwkila - Juni (You Will Always Gonna Be My Love)
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Aviwkila - Juni (You Will Always Gonna Be My Love) - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Aviwkila - Juni (You Will Always Gonna Be My Love)" yang dibawakan oleh Aviwkila. "Kunci Gitar Aviwkila - Juni (You Will Always Gonna Be My Love)" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Aviwkila - Juni (You Will Always Gonna Be My Love)" oleh Aviwkila. Kunci Gitar Aviwkila - Juni (You Will Always Gonna Be My Love)

Reff :
          C                  G/B
 you will always gonna be my love
       Am                        Em
 and i know that i can't live without you..
 F                  C
 only got you in my life
         Dm              G      C    Dm-Em  
 take my hand and let us go somewhere..

Intro : F G Em Am
        Dm G C..G

i wake up everyday
your smile in my mind
a beautiful insight to see..
Am                    Em
flying like a bird in my head
   D                G
so i can't see reality..

i hope that you'll be mine
forever and the one
F                            -G
baby please believe it's true..
Am                      Em
first time when i say i love you
    D                      G
i'm giving all my heart to you..

Reff :
          C                  G/B
 you will always gonna be my love
       Am                        Em
 and i know that i can't live without you..
 F                  C
 only got you in my life
         Dm                     C
 take my hand and let us go somewhere..

 F   G    C                   G/B
 you will always be inside my heart
 hope that i have place inside
 your heart too..
 going through the good times
 C                  Am
 going throught the bad times
 Dm               G      C   Dm-Em  
 no more that i'm afraid for..

Musik : F G Em Am
        Dm G C..G

i hope that you'll be mine
forever and the one
F                            -G
baby please believe it's true..
Am                      Em
first time when i say i love you
    D                      G
i'm giving all my heart to you..

Reff :
 F   G    C                  G/B
 you will always gonna be my love
       Am                        Em
 and i know that i can't live without you..
 F                  C
 only got you in my life
         Dm                     C
 take my hand and let us go somewhere..

 F   G    C                   G/B
 you will always be inside my heart
 hope that i have place inside
 your heart too..
 going through the good times
 C                  Am
 going throught the bad times
 Dm               G      A
 no more that i'm afraid for..

          D                  A/C#
 you will always gonna be my love
       Bm                        F#m
 and i know that i can't live without you..
 G                  D
 only got you in my life
         Em                     A
 take my hand and let us go somewhere..

          D                   A/C#
 you will always be inside my heart
 hope that i have place inside
 your heart too..
 going through the good times
 D                  Bm
 going throught the bad times
 Em               A      D   F#m
 no more that i'm afraid for..
 going through the good times
 D                  Bm
 going throught the bad times
 Em               A      G  
 no more that i'm afraid for..

Outro : G A F#m Bm
        Em A D..


Reff :
          B                  F#/A#
 you will always gonna be my love
       G#m                       D#m
 and i know that i can't live without you..
 E                  B
 only got you in my life
         C#m             F#     B    C#m-D#m 
 take my hand and let us go somewhere..

Intro : E F# D#m G#m
        C#m F# B..F#

i wake up everyday
your smile in my mind
a beautiful insight to see..
G#m                   D#m
flying like a bird in my head
   C#               F#
so i can't see reality..

i hope that you'll be mine
forever and the one
E                            -F#
baby please believe it's true..
G#m                     D#m
first time when i say i love you
    C#                     F#
i'm giving all my heart to you..

Reff :
          B                  F#/A#
 you will always gonna be my love
       G#m                       D#m
 and i know that i can't live without you..
 E                  B
 only got you in my life
         C#m                    B
 take my hand and let us go somewhere..

 E   F#   B                   F#/A#
 you will always be inside my heart
 hope that i have place inside
 your heart too..
 going through the good times
 B                  G#m
 going throught the bad times
 C#m              F#     B   C#m-D#m 
 no more that i'm afraid for..

Musik : E F# D#m G#m
        C#m F# B..F#

i hope that you'll be mine
forever and the one
E                            -F#
baby please believe it's true..
G#m                     D#m
first time when i say i love you
    C#                     F#
i'm giving all my heart to you..

Reff :
 E   F#   B                  F#/A#
 you will always gonna be my love
       G#m                       D#m
 and i know that i can't live without you..
 E                  B
 only got you in my life
         C#m                    B
 take my hand and let us go somewhere..

 E   F#   B                   F#/A#
 you will always be inside my heart
 hope that i have place inside
 your heart too..
 going through the good times
 B                  G#m
 going throught the bad times
 C#m              F#     G#
 no more that i'm afraid for..

          C#                 G#/C
 you will always gonna be my love
       A#m                       Fm
 and i know that i can't live without you..
 F#                 C#
 only got you in my life
         D#m                    G#
 take my hand and let us go somewhere..

          C#                  G#/C
 you will always be inside my heart
 hope that i have place inside
 your heart too..
 going through the good times
 C#                 A#m
 going throught the bad times
 D#m              G#     C#  -Fm
 no more that i'm afraid for..
 going through the good times
 C#                 A#m
 going throught the bad times
 D#m              G#    (F#)
 no more that i'm afraid for..

Outro : F# G# Fm A#m
        D#m G# C#..

Chord Aviwkila - Juni (You Will Always Gonna Be My Love)

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Aviwkila

