Kunci Gitar Ali Gatie - I Can't Let You Go

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2021-03-12T08:46:52+00:00 Kunci Gitar Ali Gatie - I Can't Let You Go
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Ali Gatie - I Can't Let You Go - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Ali Gatie - I Can't Let You Go" yang dibawakan oleh Ali Gatie. "Kunci Gitar Ali Gatie - I Can't Let You Go" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Ali Gatie - I Can't Let You Go" oleh Ali Gatie. Kunci Gitar Ali Gatie - I Can't Let You Go

Capo fret 1

Intro : F..C..G..Am G

F                C
 i can't let you go
trust me, i've tried
      Am              G         F
and i swear i'm still trying to know
how to move on?
if somebody told me,
  Am             G             F
i still wouldn't know where to go

i'd follow the stars
wish i could see them,
    Am           G                F
the sky feels so dark when you're gone
i'd follow my heart
but you took it wit' you
    Am         G               F
the day you walked out of that door

no, i can't pretend
     G                   Am       G
that you and i had never met, no, no, no
F                   C               G
 if movin' on means i should forget..

Reff :
                F                C
 then even if i could, i wouldn't
                    G                Am
 no matter what the price is i would pay
       G           F                  C
 don't matter if i should or shouldn't
                G          Am
 i woulda never gave up anyway

 G              F      C
 long nights of cryin'..
                   G           Am
 i felt like i was dyin' every night
 G              F        C
 rather keep on fightin'..
                    G               Am
 at least then i've got a reason to fight

G           F    C
you gave me hope
something to hold on and
Am           G
look forward for
F             C
 and after it all
you left me with scars
         Am            G          F
and said that you were never involved

you knew i was weak
you sold me a dream and
     Am        G             F
knew i would believe in your lies
What's wrong with me?
i knew you were lyin'
    Am       G          F
but i had no courage to leave

and i can't pretend
     G                   Am       G
that you and i had never met, no, no, no
F                   C              G
 if movin' on means i should forget..

Reff :
 Am    G         F                C
  then even if i could, i wouldn't
                    G                Am
 no matter what the price is i would pay
       G           F                  C
 don't matter if i should or shouldn't
                G         Am
 i woulda never matter anyway

      G         F                C
 then even if i could, i wouldn't
                    G                 Am
 no matter what the price is, i would pay
       G           F                  C
 don't matter if i should or shouldn't
                G          Am
 i woulda never gave up anyway

 G              F      C
 long nights of cryin'..
                   G           Am
 i felt like i was dyin' every night
 G              F        C
 rather keep on fightin'..
                    G               Am
 at least then i've got a reason to fight

G         F     C
khaliki matrouhi
             G    Am
ya galdi, ya rouhi
G         F     C
khabiki matrouhi
           G  Am
khaliki ma'ad

G          F      C
(khaliki matrouhi)
             G    Am
(ya omri, ya rouhi)
 G         F      C
(khabiki matrouhi)
                 G Am G F..
(i can't let you go)


Intro : F#..C#..G#..A#m G#

F#               C#
 i can't let you go
trust me, i've tried
      A#m             G#        F#
and i swear i'm still trying to know
how to move on?
if somebody told me,
  A#m            G#            F#
i still wouldn't know where to go

i'd follow the stars
wish i could see them,
    A#m          G#               F#
the sky feels so dark when you're gone
i'd follow my heart
but you took it wit' you
    A#m        G#              F#
the day you walked out of that door

no, i can't pretend
     G#                  A#m      G#
that you and i had never met, no, no, no
F#                  C#              G#
 if movin' on means i should forget..

Reff :
                F#               C#
 then even if i could, i wouldn't
                    G#               A#m
 no matter what the price is i would pay
       G#          F#                 C#
 don't matter if i should or shouldn't
                G#         A#m
 i woulda never gave up anyway

 G#             F#     C#
 long nights of cryin'..
                   G#          A#m
 i felt like i was dyin' every night
 G#             F#       C#
 rather keep on fightin'..
                    G#              A#m
 at least then i've got a reason to fight

G#          F#   C#
you gave me hope
something to hold on and
A#m          G#
look forward for
F#            C#
 and after it all
you left me with scars
         A#m           G#         F#
and said that you were never involved

you knew i was weak
you sold me a dream and
     A#m       G#            F#
knew i would believe in your lies
What's wrong with me?
i knew you were lyin'
    A#m      G#         F#
but i had no courage to leave

and i can't pretend
     G#                  A#m      G#
that you and i had never met, no, no, no
F#                  C#             G#
 if movin' on means i should forget..

Reff :
 A#m   G#        F#               C#
  then even if i could, i wouldn't
                    G#               A#m
 no matter what the price is i would pay
       G#          F#                 C#
 don't matter if i should or shouldn't
                G#        A#m
 i woulda never matter anyway

      G#        F#               C#
 then even if i could, i wouldn't
                    G#                A#m
 no matter what the price is, i would pay
       G#          F#                 C#
 don't matter if i should or shouldn't
                G#         A#m
 i woulda never gave up anyway

 G#             F#     C#
 long nights of cryin'..
                   G#          A#m
 i felt like i was dyin' every night
 G#             F#       C#
 rather keep on fightin'..
                    G#              A#m
 at least then i've got a reason to fight

G#        F#    C#
khaliki matrouhi
             G#   A#m
ya galdi, ya rouhi
G#        F#    C#
khabiki matrouhi
           G# A#m
khaliki ma'ad

G#         F#     C#
(khaliki matrouhi)
             G#   A#m
(ya omri, ya rouhi)
 G#        F#     C#
(khabiki matrouhi)
                 G# A#m G# F#..
(i can't let you go)

Chord Ali Gatie - I Can't Let You Go

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Ali Gatie

