Kunci Gitar Raef - More Than Me And You

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2020-12-11T03:34:41+00:00 Kunci Gitar Raef - More Than Me And You
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Raef - More Than Me And You - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Raef - More Than Me And You" yang dibawakan oleh Raef. "Kunci Gitar Raef - More Than Me And You" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Raef - More Than Me And You" oleh Raef. Kunci Gitar Raef - More Than Me And You

Intro : C   Am    F      G
        (Uu u uu uu..uu uu..)
        C   Am    F     G
        (Uu u uu uu..uu u..)

    C                       Am
I'm scared to death but i'm happy
  F                  G
I don't know what to do..
    Em                  F
You came to me and said babe guess that 
            Dm                    G
I think our dreams finally coming true..

  C                 Am
A tiny give from heaven
  F                 G
I can't belive it's real
  Em               F
A tesh for us to relish
     Dm               G
This new love that we feel..

Reff :
  F             G                   C
  .. And now or hearts are sealed together
  F              G                   C
  .. And now our lives will change forever
          F            G
  I thank God for that tiny beating 
  C      G/B    Am
  Heart alove so true..
  F                     G
  .. I guess it's gonna be 
  More than me and you..

Int. C   Am    F      G
     (Uu u uu uu..uu uu..)
     C   Am    F     G
     (Uu u uu uu..uu u..)

     C                      Am
I'll take good care of your taste buds
    F                 G
And learn to count in weeks..
While you keep you her warm 
From this worldly storm
              Dm            G
I'll sing you both to acozy sleep..

  C                   Am
A soul we'll share between us
         F                G
With his gudance from up above
There's an angel growing
And it's got glowing
     Dm                G
With noor from all his love..

Reff :
  F             G                   C
  .. And now or hearts are sealed together
  F              G                   C
  .. And now our lives will change forever
          F            G
  I thank God for that tiny beating 
  C      G/B    Am
  Heart alove so true
  F                     G
  .. I guess it's gonna be 
  More than me and you..

Musik : C   Am    F      G
        (Uu u uu uu..uu uu..)
        C   Am    F     G
        (Uu u uu uu..uu u..)

Dm                 Am
.. I'm counting my blessings 
         C                  G
from the moment that i meet you..
Dm               Am
.. And patiently waiting 
        C             G
For our dream to come true..

Dm                  Am
.. It's already written 
     C                  G
So i prayed for you and me
Dm                 Am
.. And whatever happens 
It's Allah's mercy..

Reff :
  F             G                   C
  .. And now or hearts are sealed together
  F              G                   C
  .. And now our lives will change forever
          F            G
  I thank God for that tiny beating 
  C      G/B    Am
  Heart alove so true
  F                     G
  .. I guess it's gonna be 
  More than me and you..

  F             G                   C
  .. And now or hearts are sealed together
  F              G                   C
  .. And now our lives will change forever
          F            G
  I thank God for that tiny beating 
  C      G/B    Am
  Heart alove so true
  F                     G
  .. I guess it's gonna be 
  More than me and you..

Outro : C   Am    F      G
        (Uu u uu uu..uu uu..)
        More than me and you..
        C   Am    F     G
        (Uu u uu uu..uu u..)


Intro : F#  D#m  B      C#
        (Uu u uu uu..uu uu..)
        F#  D#m  B      C#
        (Uu u uu uu..uu u..)

    F#                      D#m
I'm scared to death but i'm happy
  B                  C#
I don't know what to do..
    A#m                 B
You came to me and said babe guess that 
            G#m                   C#
I think our dreams finally coming true..

  F#                D#m
A tiny give from heaven
  B                 C#
I can't belive it's real
  A#m              B
A tesh for us to relish
     G#m              C#
This new love that we feel..

Reff :
  B             C#                  F#
  .. And now or hearts are sealed together
  B              C#                  F#
  .. And now our lives will change forever
          B            C#
  I thank God for that tiny beating 
  F#     C#/F    D#m
  Heart alove so true..
  B                     C#
  .. I guess it's gonna be 
  More than me and you..

Int. F#  D#m  B      C#
     (Uu u uu uu..uu uu..)
     F#  D#m  B      C#
     (Uu u uu uu..uu u..)

     F#                     D#m
I'll take good care of your taste buds
    B                 C#
And learn to count in weeks..
While you keep you her warm 
From this worldly storm
              G#m           C#
I'll sing you both to acozy sleep..

  F#                  D#m
A soul we'll share between us
         B                C#
With his gudance from up above
There's an angel growing
And it's got glowing
     G#m               C#
With noor from all his love..

Reff :
  B             C#                  F#
  .. And now or hearts are sealed together
  B              C#                  F#
  .. And now our lives will change forever
          B            C#
  I thank God for that tiny beating 
  F#     C#/F    D#m
  Heart alove so true
  B                     C#
  .. I guess it's gonna be 
  More than me and you..

Musik : F#  D#m  B      C#
        (Uu u uu uu..uu uu..)
        F#  D#m  B      C#
        (Uu u uu uu..uu u..)

G#m                D#m
.. I'm counting my blessings 
         F#                 C#
from the moment that i meet you..
G#m              D#m
.. And patiently waiting 
        F#            C#
For our dream to come true..

G#m                 D#m
.. It's already written 
     F#                 C#
So i prayed for you and me
G#m                D#m
.. And whatever happens 
It's Allah's mercy..

Reff :
  B             C#                  F#
  .. And now or hearts are sealed together
  B              C#                  F#
  .. And now our lives will change forever
          B            C#
  I thank God for that tiny beating 
  F#     C#/F    D#m
  Heart alove so true
  B                     C#
  .. I guess it's gonna be 
  More than me and you..

  B             C#                  F#
  .. And now or hearts are sealed together
  B              C#                  F#
  .. And now our lives will change forever
          B            C#
  I thank God for that tiny beating 
  F#     C#/F    D#m
  Heart alove so true
  B                     C#
  .. I guess it's gonna be 
  More than me and you..

Outro : F#  D#m  B      C#
        (Uu u uu uu..uu uu..)
        More than me and you..
        F#  D#m  B      C#
        (Uu u uu uu..uu u..)

Chord Raef - More Than Me And You

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Raef

