Kunci Gitar Sam Smith - Breaking Hearts

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2020-11-01T20:09:43+00:00 Kunci Gitar Sam Smith - Breaking Hearts
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Sam Smith - Breaking Hearts - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Sam Smith - Breaking Hearts" yang dibawakan oleh Sam Smith. "Kunci Gitar Sam Smith - Breaking Hearts" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Sam Smith - Breaking Hearts" oleh Sam Smith. Kunci Gitar Sam Smith - Breaking Hearts

Capo di fret 3

Intro : G Em G C
        G Em G D
        oo oo o oh..

G        Em    G       C
you went cold, you got caught
G     Em          G       D
you exceeded.. my darkest thoughts
  G        Em             G     C
a poisoned chalice, thorn in my side
G      Em     G         D
I'm so numb.. from your lies..

Reff :
 while you were busy breaking hearts
 G          D
 I was busy breaking
 I was giving all my love,
 G             D
 you were busy taking
 summer haze of summer wine
   G     -D/F#  Em
 reminded me of better times
 but I let you in my heart
 D                   G        Em
 ..so, now it's busy breaking..
         G    C
 (hu u u uh uuu u uh..)
               G        Em
 now it's busy breaking,
         G    D
 (hu u u uh uuu u uh..) 
          o o oh

G       Em  G         C
went so far, down this road
  G      Em              G      D
I felt depression.. deep in my soul..
G           Em
drug-fueled fights
        G        C
fragile lows and highs..
   G         Em         G      D
we played it all out.. 'til we died..

Reff :
 while you were busy breaking hearts
 G          D
 I was busy breaking
 I was giving all my love,
 G             D
 you were busy taking
 summer haze of summer wine
   G     -D/F#  Em
 reminded me of better times
 but I let you in my heart
 D                  G    
  so, now it's busy breaking..

Musik : G  Em       G    C
            (hu u u uh uuu u uh..)
        G  Em       G    D
            (hu u u uh uuu u uh..)
        G  Em       G    C
            (hu u u uh uuu u uh..)
        G  Em       G    D
            (hu u u uh uuu u uh..)

Reff :
 while you were busy breaking hearts
 G          D
 I was busy breaking
 I was giving all my love,
 G             D
 you were busy taking
 summer haze of summer wine
   G     -D/F#  Em
 reminded me of better times
 C                        D
 but I let you in my heart..
 C                     D
 but I let you in my heart..
 why'd I let you in my heart?
 D                     G
  'cause now it's busy breaking..


Intro : A# Gm A# D#
        A# Gm A# F
        oo oo o oh..

A#       Gm    A#      D#
you went cold, you got caught
A#    Gm          A#      F
you exceeded.. my darkest thoughts
  A#       Gm             A#    D#
a poisoned chalice, thorn in my side
A#     Gm     A#        F
I'm so numb.. from your lies..

Reff :
 while you were busy breaking hearts
 A#         F
 I was busy breaking
 I was giving all my love,
 A#            F
 you were busy taking
 summer haze of summer wine
   A#    -F/A   Gm
 reminded me of better times
 but I let you in my heart
 F                   A#       Gm
 ..so, now it's busy breaking..
         A#   D#
 (hu u u uh uuu u uh..)
               A#       Gm
 now it's busy breaking,
         A#   F
 (hu u u uh uuu u uh..) 
          o o oh

A#      Gm   A#        D#
went so far, down this road
  A#     Gm              A#     F
I felt depression.. deep in my soul..
A#          Gm
drug-fueled fights
        A#       D#
fragile lows and highs..
   A#        Gm         A#     F
we played it all out.. 'til we died..

Reff :
 while you were busy breaking hearts
 A#         F
 I was busy breaking
 I was giving all my love,
 A#            F
 you were busy taking
 summer haze of summer wine
   A#    -F/A   Gm
 reminded me of better times
 but I let you in my heart
 F                 (A#)  
  so, now it's busy breaking..

Musik : A# Gm       A#   D#
            (hu u u uh uuu u uh..)
        A# Gm       A#   F
            (hu u u uh uuu u uh..)
        A# Gm       A#   D#
            (hu u u uh uuu u uh..)
        A# Gm       A#   F
            (hu u u uh uuu u uh..)

Reff :
 while you were busy breaking hearts
 A#         F
 I was busy breaking
 I was giving all my love,
 A#            F
 you were busy taking
 summer haze of summer wine
   A#    -F/A   Gm
 reminded me of better times
 D#                       F
 but I let you in my heart..
 D#                    F
 but I let you in my heart..
 why'd I let you in my heart?
 F                     A#
  'cause now it's busy breaking..

Chord Sam Smith - Breaking Hearts

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Sam Smith

