Kunci Gitar MARINA - Man’s World

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2020-11-19T07:55:44+00:00 Kunci Gitar MARINA - Man’s World
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar MARINA - Man’s World - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar MARINA - Man’s World" yang dibawakan oleh Marina. "Kunci Gitar MARINA - Man’s World" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar MARINA - Man’s World" oleh Marina. Kunci Gitar MARINA - Man’s World

Intro : Am..

Am          Em
 cheeks are rosy
       F           D
like a boucher cherub
      Am           Em
I'm a strawberry soda
         F            D
raise my lashes to heaven..

Am          Em
stars in my hair
        F           D
running like a waterfall..
Am            Em
clouds in the whites
       F              D
of our eyes we saw it all..

Am        Em
 burnt me at the stake
    F               D
you thought I was a witch..
Am         Em
centuries ago..
        F              D
now you just call me a bitch..

Reff :
  mother nature's dying
  nobody's keeping score
 C             D
 I don't wanna live
      F              G
 in a man's world anymore..
 C             D
 I don't wanna live
      F              Am  Em F D
 in a man's world anymore..
  Am  Em  F D

Am         Em
 marilyn's bungalow
F             D
it's number seven..
Am           Em
 in the pink palace where
F              D
men made her legend..

Am          Em
 owned by a sheik who killed
F                D
thousands of gay men..
  Am                  F
I guess that's why he bought
            F        D
the campest hotel in LA then..

Reff :
  mother nature's dying
  nobody's keeping score
 C             D
 I don't wanna live
      F              G
 in a man's world anymore..
 C             D
 I don't wanna live
      F             (Am)
 in a man's world anymore..

 Am      F      G
  if you have a mother..
 Am        F    G
  daughter or a friend..
 Am     F     G
  maybe it is time..
 Am        F     G
  time you comprehend..

 G                   F
  the world that you live in..
 Em                    F
 ain't the same one as them..

 Am        F      G
  so don't punish me..
 Am       F       G  Em
  for not being a man..

Am        Em
 spring appears 
         F       D
when the time is right..
Am         Em
 women are violets 
F         D
coming to light..

Am         Em
 don't underestimate 
    F         D
the making of life..
    Am           Em
the planet has a funny
       F          D
way of stopping a fight..

Reff :
  mother nature's dying
  nobody's keeping score
 C             D
 I don't wanna live
      F              G
 in a man's world anymore..
 C             D
 I don't wanna live
      F             (Am)
 in a man's world anymore..

 Am      F      G
  if you have a mother..
 Am        F    G
  daughter or a friend..
 Am     F     G
  maybe it is time..
 Am        F     G
  time you comprehend..

 G                   F
  the world that you live in..
 Em                    F
 ain't the same one as them..

 Am        F      G
  so don't punish me..
 Am       F       G  Em
  for not being a man..

 Am        F      G
  so don't punish me..
 Am          F     G
  'cause I'm not a man..
 Am          F     G
 'cause I'm not a man..


Intro : Fm..

Fm          Cm
 cheeks are rosy
       C#          A#
like a boucher cherub
      Fm           Cm
I'm a strawberry soda
         C#           A#
raise my lashes to heaven..

Fm          Cm
stars in my hair
        C#          A#
running like a waterfall..
Fm            Cm
clouds in the whites
       C#             A#
of our eyes we saw it all..

Fm        Cm
 burnt me at the stake
    C#              A#
you thought I was a witch..
Fm         Cm
centuries ago..
        C#             A#
now you just call me a bitch..

Reff :
  mother nature's dying
  nobody's keeping score
 G#            A#
 I don't wanna live
      C#             D#
 in a man's world anymore..
 G#            A#
 I don't wanna live
      C#             Fm  Cm C# A#
 in a man's world anymore..
  Fm  Cm C# A#

Fm         Cm
 marilyn's bungalow
C#            A#
it's number seven..
Fm           Cm
 in the pink palace where
C#             A#
men made her legend..

Fm          Cm
 owned by a sheik who killed
C#               A#
thousands of gay men..
  Fm                  C#
I guess that's why he bought
            C#       A#
the campest hotel in LA then..

Reff :
  mother nature's dying
  nobody's keeping score
 G#            A#
 I don't wanna live
      C#             D#
 in a man's world anymore..
 G#            A#
 I don't wanna live
      C#            (Fm)
 in a man's world anymore..

 Fm      C#     D#
  if you have a mother..
 Fm        C#   D#
  daughter or a friend..
 Fm     C#    D#
  maybe it is time..
 Fm        C#    D#
  time you comprehend..

 D#                  C#
  the world that you live in..
 Cm                    C#
 ain't the same one as them..

 Fm        C#     D#
  so don't punish me..
 Fm       C#      D#  Cm
  for not being a man..

Fm        Cm
 spring appears 
         C#      A#
when the time is right..
Fm         Cm
 women are violets 
C#        A#
coming to light..

Fm         Cm
 don't underestimate 
    C#        A#
the making of life..
    Fm           Cm
the planet has a funny
       C#         A#
way of stopping a fight..

Reff :
  mother nature's dying
  nobody's keeping score
 G#            A#
 I don't wanna live
      C#             D#
 in a man's world anymore..
 G#            A#
 I don't wanna live
      C#            (Fm)
 in a man's world anymore..

 Fm      C#     D#
  if you have a mother..
 Fm        C#   D#
  daughter or a friend..
 Fm     C#    D#
  maybe it is time..
 Fm        C#    D#
  time you comprehend..

 D#                  C#
  the world that you live in..
 Cm                    C#
 ain't the same one as them..

 Fm        C#     D#
  so don't punish me..
 Fm       C#      D#  Cm
  for not being a man..

 Fm        C#     D#
  so don't punish me..
 Fm          C#    D#
  'cause I'm not a man..
 Fm          C#    D#
 'cause I'm not a man..

Chord MARINA - Man’s World

Lihat semua :
  • Chord MARINA

