Kunci Gitar Caitlin Halderman - You Were A Friend

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2020-09-14T09:54:00+00:00 Kunci Gitar Caitlin Halderman - You Were A Friend
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Caitlin Halderman - You Were A Friend - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Caitlin Halderman - You Were A Friend" yang dibawakan oleh Caitlin Halderman. "Kunci Gitar Caitlin Halderman - You Were A Friend" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Caitlin Halderman - You Were A Friend" oleh Caitlin Halderman. Kunci Gitar Caitlin Halderman - You Were A Friend

Capo fret 2

Intro : Bm C Em..-D

Bm              C
 grew up in the same space
Em                  -D
 the only place that felt like home
Bm          C
 you had me replaced
Em             -D
 over something I did wrong..

C      D            Em
I’m so sorry that I made mistakes
    Bm   C      D
I’m only being human..

Reff :
 C           D
  you were a friend to me
 Em              Bm
  now we’re like enemies
 C              D
  called you my family
 Em                   Bm
  it hurts to let you go go go..

 C           D
  you were a friend to me
 Em              Bm
  now we’re like enemies
 C              D
  called you my family
 Em                   Bm  -D
  it hurts to let you go go go..

Bm        C
 getting over you
Em               -D
 wasn’t something easy to do
Bm                      C
 back then you were all I knew
Em                    -D       (C)
 it took some time for me to realize 

C       D            Em
 it’s fine for me to make mistakes
     Bm      C     D
it’s part of being human..

Reff :
 C           D
  you were a friend to me
 Em              Bm
  now we’re like enemies
 C              D
  called you my family
 Em                   Bm
  it hurts to let you go go go..

 C           D
  you were a friend to me
 Em              Bm
  now we’re like enemies
 C              D
  called you my family
 Em                   Bm  -D
  it hurts to let you go go go..
 C                    D
  it hurts to let you go go go..
 Em                   Bm
  it hurts to let you go go go..

C      D            Em
I’m so sorry that I made mistakes
    Bm   C      D
I’m only being human..

Reff :
 C           D
  you were a friend to me
 Em              Bm
  now we’re like enemies
 C              D
  called you my family
    Em                      Bm
 heiyeh it hurts to let you go go go..

 C           D
  you were a friend to me
 Em              Bm
  now we’re like enemies
 C              D
  called you my family
 Em                   Bm
  it hurts to let you go go go..
 C                    D
  it hurts to let you go go go..
 Em                   Bm
  it hurts to let you go go go..
 C                    D
  it hurts to let you go go go..
  (it hurts to let you go)
 Em                   Bm
  it hurts to let you go go go..

Outro : C D Em Bm


Intro : C#m D F#m..-E

C#m             D
 grew up in the same space
F#m                 -E
 the only place that felt like home
C#m         D
 you had me replaced
F#m             E
 over something I did wrong..

D      E            F#m
I’m so sorry that I made mistakes
    C#m  D      E
I’m only being human..

Reff :
 D           E
  you were a friend to me
 F#m             C#m
  now we’re like enemies
 D              E
  called you my family
 F#m                  C#m
  it hurts to let you go go go..

 D           E
  you were a friend to me
 F#m             C#m
  now we’re like enemies
 D              E
  called you my family
 F#m                  C#m  -E
  it hurts to let you go go go..

C#m       D
 getting over you
F#m              -E
 wasn’t something easy to do
C#m                     D
 back then you were all I knew
F#m                   -E       (D)
 it took some time for me to realize 

D       E            F#m
 it’s fine for me to make mistakes
     C#m     D     E
it’s part of being human..

Reff :
 D           E
  you were a friend to me
 F#m             C#m
  now we’re like enemies
 D              E
  called you my family
 F#m                  C#m
  it hurts to let you go go go..

 D           E
  you were a friend to me
 F#m             C#m
  now we’re like enemies
 D              E
  called you my family
 F#m                  C#m -E
  it hurts to let you go go go..
 D                    E
  it hurts to let you go go go..
 F#m                  C#m
  it hurts to let you go go go..

D      E            F#m
I’m so sorry that I made mistakes
    C#m  D      E
I’m only being human..

Reff :
 D           E
  you were a friend to me
 F#m             C#m
  now we’re like enemies
 D              E
  called you my family
    F#m                     C#m
 heiyeh it hurts to let you go go go..

 D           E
  you were a friend to me
 F#m             C#m
  now we’re like enemies
 D              E
  called you my family
 F#m                  C#m
  it hurts to let you go go go..
 D                    E
  it hurts to let you go go go..
 F#m                  C#m
  it hurts to let you go go go..
 D                    E
  it hurts to let you go go go..
  (it hurts to let you go)
 F#m                  C#m
  it hurts to let you go go go..

Outro : D E F#m C#m

Chord Caitlin Halderman - You Were A Friend

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Caitlin Halderman

