Kunci Gitar Gryffin & Chris Lane - Hold You Tonight

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2020-04-08T10:19:00+00:00 Kunci Gitar Gryffin & Chris Lane - Hold You Tonight
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Gryffin & Chris Lane - Hold You Tonight - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Gryffin & Chris Lane - Hold You Tonight" yang dibawakan oleh Lagu Barat. "Kunci Gitar Gryffin & Chris Lane - Hold You Tonight" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Gryffin & Chris Lane - Hold You Tonight" oleh Lagu Barat. Kunci Gitar Gryffin & Chris Lane - Hold You Tonight

Capo di fret 4

Intro : Em D C G
        Em D C G

Em                 D
Lipstick on the bottle
         C               G
That you left next to my bed
    Em              D
The makeup on my pillow
  C                  G
Reminds me you were there..

       Em                       D
Try to tell my friends what you do
         C                G
But it's too hard to describe
       Em               D
'Cause everything about you
   C               G
Is better in real life..

Reff :
                Em     D
 Get up out of my head
                C      G
 Get up out of my mind
                    Em    D
 So come and fall into my arms
            C          G
 And let me hold you tonight..

                     Em        D
 You got my heart in your hands
             C           G
 And it just feels right
                    Em    D
 So come and fall into my arms
            C          G
 And let me hold you tonight..

Int. Em D C G

               Em      D
Let me, let me hold you
       C          G
Let me hold you tonight..

                Em               D
Yeah, when it's late and I'm lonely
         C              G
And I've had a few drinks
          Em                 D
It'd sure hit a lot stronger baby
   C                   G
If you were here with me..

             Em                D
Mmm, are you up, or are you sleepin'?
        C            G
Can you be on your way?
              Em             D
Mmm, 'cause I ain't stop thinkin'
           C         G
About last night all day..

Reff :
                Em     D
 Get up out of my head
                C      G
 Get up out of my mind
                    Em    D
 So come and fall into my arms
            C          G
 And let me hold you tonight..

                     Em        D
 You got my heart in your hands
             C           G
 And it just feels right
                    Em    D
 So come and fall into my arms
            C          G
 And let me hold you tonight..

Musik : Em D C G

               Em      D
Let me, let me hold you
       C          G
Let me hold you tonight
Em  D
     Whoa, no,
C G               Em     D
   let me, let me hold you
       C          G
Let me hold you tonight..

I've got hours to give
You should use 'em
All those clothes you're in
You should lose 'em
All those plans you had
Make some new ones
Oh, 'cause this time
I'm gonna take my time..

Reff :
                Em     D
 Get up out of my head
                C      G
 Get up out of my mind
                    Em    D
 So come and fall into my arms
            C          G
 And let me hold you tonight..

                     Em        D
 You got my heart in your hands
             C           G
 And it just feels right
                    Em    D
 So come and fall into my arms
            C          G
 And let me hold you tonight..

 Em    D
Oh.. c'mon
C G               Em      D
   Let me, let me hold you
       C          G
Let me hold you tonight..
Em  D
     Whoa, no, no
C G               Em      D
   Let me, let me hold you
       C          G
Let me hold you tonight
       Em         D
Let me hold you tonight
              C          G
Please let me hold you tonight..


Intro : G#m F# E B
        G#m F# E B

G#m                F#
Lipstick on the bottle
         E               B
That you left next to my bed
    G#m             F#
The makeup on my pillow
  E                  B
Reminds me you were there..

       G#m                      F#
Try to tell my friends what you do
         E                B
But it's too hard to describe
       G#m              F#
'Cause everything about you
   E               B   
Is better in real life..

Reff :
                G#m    F#
 Get up out of my head
                E      B
 Get up out of my mind
                    G#m   F#
 So come and fall into my arms
            E          B
 And let me hold you tonight..

                     G#m       F#
 You got my heart in your hands
             E           B
 And it just feels right
                    G#m   F#
 So come and fall into my arms
            E          B
 And let me hold you tonight..

Int. G#m F# E B
               G#m     F#
Let me, let me hold you
       E          B
Let me hold you tonight..

                G#m              F#
Yeah, when it's late and I'm lonely
         E              B    
And I've had a few drinks
          G#m                F#
It'd sure hit a lot stronger baby
   E                   B
If you were here with me..

             G#m                F#
Mmm, are you up, or are you sleepin'?
        E            B
Can you be on your way?
              G#m            F#
Mmm, 'cause I ain't stop thinkin'
           E         B
About last night all day..

Reff :
                G#m    F#
 Get up out of my head
                E      B
 Get up out of my mind
                    G#m   F#
 So come and fall into my arms
            E          B
 And let me hold you tonight..

                     G#m       F#
 You got my heart in your hands
             E           B
 And it just feels right
                    G#m   F#
 So come and fall into my arms
            E          B
 And let me hold you tonight..

Musik : G#m F# E B

               G#m     F#
Let me, let me hold you
       E          B
Let me hold you tonight
G#m F#  
     Whoa, no, 
E B               G#m    F#
   let me, let me hold you
       E          B
Let me hold you tonight..

I've got hours to give
You should use 'em
All those clothes you're in
You should lose 'em
All those plans you had
Make some new ones
Oh, 'cause this time
I'm gonna take my time..


 G#m   F#
Oh.. c'mon
E B               G#m     F#
   Let me, let me hold you
       E          B
Let me hold you tonight..
G#m F#
     Whoa, no, no
E B               G#m     F#
   Let me, let me hold you
       E          B
Let me hold you tonight
       G#m        F#
Let me hold you tonight
              E          B
Please let me hold you tonight..

Chord Gryffin & Chris Lane - Hold You Tonight

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  • Chord Lagu Barat

