Kunci Gitar Reza Darmawangsa - I'm In Love

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2020-02-03T12:49:00+00:00 Kunci Gitar Reza Darmawangsa - I'm In Love
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Reza Darmawangsa - I'm In Love - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Reza Darmawangsa - I'm In Love" yang dibawakan oleh Reza Darmawangsa. "Kunci Gitar Reza Darmawangsa - I'm In Love" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Reza Darmawangsa - I'm In Love" oleh Reza Darmawangsa. Kunci Gitar Reza Darmawangsa - I'm In Love

Capo fret 2

Intro : G Gmaj7 

woke up alone
in the middle of the night
it was all on my head
all of the bad things
the fight and the tears
I just can't believe
it's all over now..

keep talking to myself
what did I do wrong
but I guess it's just pointless
I just can't seem to move on
here I am now
faking smiles and forcing
C               D
a laught.. wo o o oh..

but then I saw you
standing there
you asked me if
I was okay..

Reff :
  I'm in love
  what I feel inside
  of my heart
  I'm in love
  I know you will
  take away the clouds
         Em              D
  I know when I see your eyes
  I  just can't lie
  I'm in love..

it's been three months
since the day we met
and you made it so
easy to let go
I know it's too soon
but I can't help fall for you
C              D
over and over again..

Reff :
  I'm in love
  what I feel inside
  of my heart
  I'm in love
  I know you will
  take away the clouds
         Em              D
  I know when I see your eyes
  I  just can't lie
  I'm in love..

C         D    Em
don't you understand
     D          C    D
that you're the only one
C       D      Em
I don't need a thing
  D         C         D
I just need you right now..

Reff :
  (I'm in love)
  (what I feel inside)
  (of my heart)
  (I'm in love)
  (I know you will)
  (take away the clouds)
         Em              D
  I know when I see your eyes
  I  just can't lie
  I'm in love..

  I'm in love
  I wanna kiss you tonight
  I'm in love
  be with you
  for the rest of my life
         F#m             E
  I know when I see your eyes
  I  just can't lie
         E         A
  I'm in love with you..

Outro : A E D E
        F#m E D E
        A E D E
        F#m E D E
        ha a a a.. ha a a a..

 I'm in love..

♫ Original chord dari A
♫ Gunakan transpose diatas.
♫ Berikut Versi Mudah dari C

Intro : C Cmaj7 

woke up alone
in the middle of the night
it was all on my head
all of the bad things
the fight and the tears
I just can't believe
it's all over now..

keep talking to myself
what did I do wrong
but I guess it's just pointless
I just can't seem to move on
here I am now
faking smiles and forcing
F               G
a laught.. wo o o oh..

but then I saw you
standing there
you asked me if
I was okay..

Reff :
  I'm in love
  what I feel inside
  of my heart
  I'm in love
  I know you will
  take away the clouds
         Am              G
  I know when I see your eyes
  I  just can't lie
  I'm in love..

it's been three months
since the day we met
and you made it so
easy to let go
I know it's too soon
but I can't help fall for you
F              G
over and over again..

Reff :
  I'm in love
  what I feel inside
  of my heart
  I'm in love
  I know you will
  take away the clouds
         Am              G
  I know when I see your eyes
  I  just can't lie
  I'm in love..

F         G    Am
don't you understand
     G          F    G
that you're the only one
F       G      Am
I don't need a thing
  G         F         G
I just need you right now..

Reff :
  (I'm in love)
  (what I feel inside)
  (of my heart)
  (I'm in love)
  (I know you will)
  (take away the clouds)
         Am              G
  I know when I see your eyes
  I  just can't lie
  I'm in love..

  I'm in love
  I wanna kiss you tonight
  I'm in love
  be with you
  for the rest of my life
         Bm              A
  I know when I see your eyes
  I  just can't lie
         A         D
  I'm in love with you..

Outro : D A G A
        Bm A G A
        D A G A
        Bm A G A
        ha a a a.. ha a a a..

 I'm in love..


Chord Reza Darmawangsa - I'm In Love

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  • Chord Reza Darmawangsa

