Kunci Gitar Selena Gomez - Back To You

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2018-05-16T05:56:00+00:00 Kunci Gitar Selena Gomez - Back To You
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Selena Gomez - Back To You - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Selena Gomez - Back To You" yang dibawakan oleh Selena Gomez. "Kunci Gitar Selena Gomez - Back To You" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Selena Gomez - Back To You" oleh Selena Gomez. Kunci Gitar Selena Gomez - Back To You

Capo Fret 6

Intro : Am F C..
        Am F C..

Am                F
..Took you like a shot
Thought that I could chase
you with a cold evening
Let a couple years water down how
    F             C
I'm feeling about you

(Feeling about you)
Am                  F
..And every time we talk
Every single word builds up to this moment
            Am                      F
And I gotta convince myself I don’t want it
Even though I do (even though I do)

Am          F                 C
..You could break my heart in two
But when it heals it beats for you
            F                C
I know it's forward but it's true

Reff :
 Am      F             C
 I wanna hold you when I’m not supposed to
 Am             F        C
 When I'm lying close to someone else you're stuck
 Am    F        C
 In my head and I can't get you out of it
    Am            F
 If I could do it all again
                          Am F C..Am F C..
 (I know I'd go back to you)...
                          Am F C..Am F C..
 (I know I'd go back to you)...

 I know I'd go back to you

Am                F
..We never got it right
Playing and replaying old conversations
             Am                    F
Overthinking every word and I hate it
'Cause it’s not me (’Cause it's not me)
Am                        F
..And what’s the point in hiding
Everybody knows we got unfinished business
And I'll regret it if I didn't say
     F                   C
This isn't what it could be (isn’t what it could be)

Am          F                 C
..You could break my heart in two
But when it heals it beats for you
            F                C
I know it's forward but it's true

Reff :
 Am      F             C
 I wanna hold you when I’m not supposed to
 Am             F        C
 When I'm lying close to someone else you're stuck
 Am    F        C
 In my head and I can't get you out of it
    Am            F
 If I could do it all again
                          Am F C..Am F C..
 (I know I'd go back to you)...
 (I know I'd go back to you)...
        Am         F
 I'd go back to you..
 I'd go back to you
          Am           F
 What was there wasn't sure
 But I'd go back to you

 I know I'd go back to you

Am          F                 C
..You could break my heart in two
But when it heals it beats for you
            F                C
I know it's forward but it's true
Won't lie I'd go back to you
Am            F
..You know my thoughts are running loose
..It's just a thing you make me do
Am            F                    C
..And I could fight but what's the use?

I know I'd go back to you

Reff :
 Am      F             C
 I wanna hold you when I’m not supposed to
 Am             F        C
 When I'm lying close to someone else you're stuck
 Am    F        C
 In my head and I can't get you out of it
    Am            F
 If I could do it all again
 (I know I'd go back to you)...
    Am   F       C
 I'd go  back to you
 Am     F       C
 I'd go back to you

 I know I'd go back to you
  I'd go back to you
 F        C            Am F C
 ..I'd go back to you..uuuuuuu..

 (I know I'd go back to you)...
 Am              F
(..Go back to you..go back to you)
(..Go back to you, go back to you)
  Am              F
(..Go back to you..go back to you)
(..Go back to you, go back to you)


Intro : D#m B F#..
        D#m B F#..

D#m               B
..Took you like a shot
Thought that I could chase 
you with a cold evening
Let a couple years water down how 
    B             F#
I'm feeling about you

(Feeling about you)
D#m                 B
..And every time we talk
Every single word builds up to this moment
            D#m                     B
And I gotta convince myself I don’t want it
Even though I do (even though I do)

D#m         B                 F#
..You could break my heart in two
But when it heals it beats for you
            B                F#
I know it's forward but it's true

Reff :
 D#m     B             F#
 I wanna hold you when I’m not supposed to
 D#m            B        F#
 When I'm lying close to someone else you're stuck 
 D#m   B        F#
 In my head and I can't get you out of it
    D#m           B
 If I could do it all again
                          D#m B F#..D#m B F#..
 (I know I'd go back to you)...
                          D#m B F#..D#m B F#..
 (I know I'd go back to you)...
 I know I'd go back to you

D#m               B
..We never got it right
Playing and replaying old conversations
             D#m                   B
Overthinking every word and I hate it
'Cause it’s not me (’Cause it's not me)
D#m                       B
..And what’s the point in hiding
Everybody knows we got unfinished business
And I'll regret it if I didn't say
     B                   F#
This isn't what it could be (isn’t what it could be)

D#m         B                 F#
..You could break my heart in two
But when it heals it beats for you
            B                F#
I know it's forward but it's true

Reff :
 D#m     B             F#
 I wanna hold you when I’m not supposed to
 D#m            B        F#
 When I'm lying close to someone else you're stuck 
 D#m   B        F#
 In my head and I can't get you out of it
    D#m           B
 If I could do it all again
                          D#m B F#..D#m B F#..
 (I know I'd go back to you)...
 (I know I'd go back to you)...
        D#m        B
 I'd go back to you..
 I'd go back to you
          D#m          B
 What was there wasn't sure
 But I'd go back to you
 I know I'd go back to you

D#m         B                 F#
..You could break my heart in two
But when it heals it beats for you
            B                F#
I know it's forward but it's true
Won't lie I'd go back to you
D#m           B 
..You know my thoughts are running loose
..It's just a thing you make me do
D#m           B                    F#
..And I could fight but what's the use?

I know I'd go back to you

Reff :
 D#m     B             F#
 I wanna hold you when I’m not supposed to
 D#m            B        F#
 When I'm lying close to someone else you're stuck 
 D#m   B        F#
 In my head and I can't get you out of it
    D#m           B
 If I could do it all again
 (I know I'd go back to you)...
    D#m  B       F#
 I'd go  back to you
 D#m    B       F#
 I'd go back to you
 I know I'd go back to you
  I'd go back to you
 B        F#           D#m B F#
 ..I'd go back to you..uuuuuuu..
 (I know I'd go back to you)...
 D#m             B
(..Go back to you..go back to you)
(..Go back to you, go back to you)
  D#m             B
(..Go back to you..go back to you)
(..Go back to you, go back to you)

Chord Selena Gomez - Back To You

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Selena Gomez

