Kunci Gitar Michael Learns To Rock - Everything You Need

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2018-02-05T04:34:00+00:00 Kunci Gitar Michael Learns To Rock - Everything You Need
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Michael Learns To Rock - Everything You Need - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Michael Learns To Rock - Everything You Need" yang dibawakan oleh Michael Learns To Rock. "Kunci Gitar Michael Learns To Rock - Everything You Need" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Michael Learns To Rock - Everything You Need" oleh Michael Learns To Rock. Kunci Gitar Michael Learns To Rock - Everything You Need

Capo di fret 1

Intro : Am  Dm  G  C
        Am  Dm  G  C

C                       F
..you're sitting in the bedroom
C                G
..playing the guitar
C              F
..writing in a notebook
C                  G
..your wish upon a star
Am               Dm
..you are like a snowflake
G               C
..melting in my hand
F               Dm
..vanish like a footstep
..sinking in the sand

C                    F
..you're living in a greenhouse
C                G
..playing with a stone
C                F
..you wanna be a princess
C               G
..looking for a throne
Am                Dm
..you cry a litte teardrop
G               C
..when you had enough
F                     Dm
..but you don't wanna listen
..when i sing about love

Reff :
 C            F              Dm
 ..don't wait.. for better days
 reach out..and take away
 Em             Am
 everything you need
     Dm               G
 the world is at your feet..
 C        F              Dm
 ..inside.. you wanna stay
 don't try to run away
 Em             Am
 hold me in the sun
     Dm             G
 the best is yet to come..

C                 F
..just around the corner
C                 G
..there's a happy life
C               F
..dreaming of tomorrow
C                     G
..when you could be a wife
Am                Dm
..you cry a litte teardrop
G                   C
..working with your hair
F                 Dm
..you're running away from
..everyone who cares

Reff :
 C            F              Dm
 ..don't wait.. for better days
 reach out..and take away
 Em             Am
 everything you need
     Dm               G
 the world is at your feet..
 C        F              Dm
 ..inside.. you wanna stay
 don't try to run away
 Em             Am
 hold me in the sun
     Dm             G
 the best is yet to come..

Musik : Am  Dm  G  C [4x]

C             F    Dm  G
..(don't run away)....
Em                Am   Dm  G
..(hold me in the sun)....

Reff :
 C            F              Dm
 ..don't wait.. for better days
 reach out..and take away
 Em             Am
 everything you need
     Dm               G
 the world is at your feet..
 C        F              Dm
 ..inside.. you wanna stay
 don't try to run away
 Em             Am
 hold me in the sun
     Dm             G
 the best is yet to come..

C             F   Dm  G
..(don't run away)....
Em                Am   Dm
..(hold me in the sun)....
    G              C
the best is yet to come
            F   Dm  G
(don't run away)....
Em                Am  Dm  G
..(hold me in the sun)....
..(don't run away)...


Intro : 
A#m D#m G# C#
A#m D#m G# C#

C#                      F#
..you're sitting in the bedroom 
C#               G#
..playing the guitar
C#             F#
..writing in a notebook 
C#                 G#
..your wish upon a star
A#m              D#m
..you are like a snowflake 
G#              C#
..melting in my hand
F#              D#m
..vanish like a footstep 
..sinking in the sand

C#                   F#
..you're living in a greenhouse 
C#               G#
..playing with a stone 
C#               F#
..you wanna be a princess 
C#              G#
..looking for a throne
A#m               D#m
..you cry a litte teardrop 
G#              C#
..when you had enough
F#                    D#m
..but you don't wanna listen 
..when i sing about love

Reff :
 C#           F#             D#m
 ..don't wait.. for better days
 reach out..and take away
 Fm             A#m
 everything you need
     D#m              G#
 the world is at your feet..
 C#       F#             D#m
 ..inside.. you wanna stay
 don't try to run away
 Fm             A#m
 hold me in the sun
     D#m            G#
 the best is yet to come..

C#                F#
..just around the corner 
C#                G#
..there's a happy life
C#              F#
..dreaming of tomorrow 
C#                    G#
..when you could be a wife
A#m               D#m
..you cry a litte teardrop 
G#                  C#
..working with your hair
F#                D#m
..you're running away from 
..everyone who cares

Reff :
 C#           F#             D#m
 ..don't wait.. for better days
 reach out..and take away
 Fm             A#m
 everything you need
     D#m              G#
 the world is at your feet..
 C#       F#             D#m
 ..inside.. you wanna stay
 don't try to run away
 Fm             A#m
 hold me in the sun
     D#m            G#
 the best is yet to come..

Musik : 
A#m D#m G# C# [4x]

C#            F#   D#m G#
..(don't run away)....
Fm                A#m  D#m G#
..(hold me in the sun)....

Reff :
 C#           F#             D#m
 ..don't wait.. for better days
 reach out..and take away
 Fm             A#m
 everything you need
     D#m              G#
 the world is at your feet..
 C#       F#             D#m
 ..inside.. you wanna stay
 don't try to run away
 Fm             A#m
 hold me in the sun
     D#m            G#
 the best is yet to come..

C#            F#  D#m G#
..(don't run away)....
Fm                A#m  D#m 
..(hold me in the sun)....
    G#             C#
the best is yet to come
            F#  D#m G#
(don't run away)....
Fm                A#m D#m G#
..(hold me in the sun)....
..(don't run away)...

Chord Michael Learns To Rock - Everything You Need

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  • Chord Michael Learns To Rock

