Kunci Gitar Shallow Side - Try To Fight It

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2016-11-25T07:37:00+00:00 Kunci Gitar Shallow Side - Try To Fight It
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Shallow Side - Try To Fight It - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Shallow Side - Try To Fight It" yang dibawakan oleh Shallow Side. "Kunci Gitar Shallow Side - Try To Fight It" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Shallow Side - Try To Fight It" oleh Shallow Side. Kunci Gitar Shallow Side - Try To Fight It

Intro : Am..F G [6x]
        Am..F G
        Dm..F G

Am                  F
 I can't stand the way
you always lead me on
Am                  F
 I follow blindly right behind
you and I still get lost
Am                            F
 You never look and check to see
If maybe I'm ok
Am                     F
 This crazy world you live in
    G               Am
Is filled with mistakes (Accoustic)
    G               Dm
Is filled with mistakes (Official video)

Reff I:
  Am (Em)          F
   I...I lose it all when
  I speak to you
  Am          (Em)
   your face, your eyes
       F         G
  changes what I've been through
  Dm                 F
   Now, now I can't help
  but to scream your name
  Dm          C
   I try to fight it
  I try to fight it

Am                      F
 And I can't stand the way
your lies they seem so real
Am                 F
 Now every time I burn inside
it's all that I can feel
Am                             F
 You promise you will always change
But things just stay the same
Am                      F
 You bend me till you break me
          G             Am/Dm (Accoustic/Offical)
and it's driving me insane..

But then I see you smile...

Reff II:
  Am (Em)          F
   I...I lose it all when
  I speak to you
  Am          (Em)
   your face, your eyes
       F         G
  changes what I've been through
  Dm                 F
   Now, now I can't help
  but to scream your name
  Dm          C
   I try to fight it
  I try to fight it

Int. Am

It's just the touch of your skin
The way you pull me in I can't deny it
I try to fight iii ittt
But then I see you smile

Reff end:
  Am (Em)         F
   I...I lose it all when
  I speak to you
  Am          (Em)
   your face, your eyes
       F         G
  changes what I've been through
  Am                  F
   Now, now I can't help
  but to scream your name
  Am          F
   I try to fight it
  I try to fight it

 I try to fight it
 I try to fight it


Intro : C#m..A B [6x]
        C#m..A B
        F#m..A B (Official video)

C#m                A
 I can't stand the way
you always lead me on
C#m                A
 I follow blindly right behind
you and I still get lost
C#m                           A
 You never look and check to see
If maybe I'm ok
C#m                    A
 This crazy world you live in
    B               C#m
Is filled with mistakes (Accoustic)
    B               F#m
Is filled with mistakes (Official video)

Reff I:
  C#m (G#m)          A
   I...I lose it all when
  I speak to you
  C#m         (G#m)
   your face, your eyes
       A         B
  changes what I've been through
  F#m                A
   Now, now I can't help
  but to scream your name
  F#m         E
   I try to fight it
  I try to fight it

C#m                    A
 And I can't stand the way
your lies they seem so real
C#m                 A
 Now every time I burn inside
it's all that I can feel
C#m                            A
 You promise you will always change
But things just stay the same
C#m                      A
 You bend me till you break me
          B             F#m
and it's driving me insane..

But then I see you smile...

Reff II:
  C#m (G#m)          A
   I...I lose it all when
  I speak to you
  C#m         (G#m)
   your face, your eyes
       A         B
  changes what I've been through
  F#m                A
   Now, now I can't help
  but to scream your name
  F#m         E
   I try to fight it
  I try to fight it

Int. C#m

It's just the touch of your skin
The way you pull me in I can't deny it
I try to fight iii ittt
But then I see you smile

Reff end:
  C#m (G#m)          A
   I...I lose it all when
  I speak to you
  C#m         (G#m)
   your face, your eyes
       A         B
  changes what I've been through
  C#m                A
   Now, now I can't help
  but to scream your name
  C#m         A
   I try to fight it
  I try to fight it

 I try to fight it
 I try to fight it


Chord Shallow Side - Try To Fight It

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  • Chord Shallow Side

