Kunci Gitar Something About Lola - Delorean Case

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2016-10-22T06:34:00+00:00 Kunci Gitar Something About Lola - Delorean Case
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Something About Lola - Delorean Case - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Something About Lola - Delorean Case" yang dibawakan oleh Band Indie. "Kunci Gitar Something About Lola - Delorean Case" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Something About Lola - Delorean Case" oleh Band Indie. Kunci Gitar Something About Lola - Delorean Case

Intro : F F F F

I clap my hands cause I know it's worth than
remember how you've broke my spine
And left me stand alone
left me stand alone...on my own
There's no time left for second chances
and now you get to hold my hands
Oh you don't really know
you don't really know, how worst I bleed

Am        F
 Some people say
C         G
 that you're my only one
Am      F
 But I deny,
C           G
 cause not just you in this town
Am       F
 Now remember
C            G
 'bout the pain that you gave
to me at last time
So kiss yourself goodbye

Reff :
C        G
 For the moment
for the reason that you left
  Am              G
I know you're still want me around
 But I've turned my face to all best friends
C         G
 For intention
of a pardon that you signs
     Am                G
Ripp me off from the rundown you've made
Cause I'm not good for your favourite end

Int. C..F..

 You're star of "Travel Back In Time Show"
On "Getting Your Love Back" episode
Set the fire on, you set the fire on...so stop it
There's no time left for second chances
and now you get to hold my hands
Oh you don't really care
you don't really care...how long i've wait

=Back to : *), Reff

Music : C..F..

=Back to : *), Reff

Reff end:
C        G
 For the moment
for the reason that you left
  Am              G
I know you're still want me around
 But I've turned my face to all best friends
C         G
 For intention
of a pardon that you signs
     Am                G
Ripp me off from the rundown you've made
  F                   F-C-G
Cause I'm not good for...rite end


Intro : F# F# F# F#

I clap my hands cause I know it's worth than
remember how you've broke my spine
And left me stand alone
left me stand alone...on my own
There's no time left for second chances
and now you get to hold my hands
Oh you don't really know
you don't really know, how worst I bleed

A#m        F#
 Some people say
C#         G#
 that you're my only one
A#m      F#
 But I deny,
C#         G#
cause not just you in this town
A#m       F#
 Now remember
C#           G#
 'bout the pain that you gave
to me at last time
So kiss yourself goodbye

Reff :
C#       G#
 For the moment
for the reason that you left
  A#m               G#
I know you're still want me around
 But I've turned my face to all best friends
C#         G#
 For intention
of a pardon that you signs
     A#m                G#
Ripp me off from the rundown you've made
Cause I'm not good for your favourite end

Int. C#..F#..

 You're star of "Travel Back In Time Show"
On "Getting Your Love Back" episode
Set the fire on, you set the fire on...so stop it
There's no time left for second chances
and now you get to hold my hands
Oh you don't really care
you don't really care...how long i've wait

=Back to : *), Reff

Music : C#..F#..

=Back to : *), Reff

Reff end:
C#       G#
 For the moment
for the reason that you left
  A#m               G#
I know you're still want me around
 But I've turned my face to all best friends
C#         G#
 For intention
of a pardon that you signs
     A#m                G#
Ripp me off from the rundown you've made
   F#                 F#-C#-G#
Cause I'm not good for...rite end


Chord Something About Lola - Delorean Case

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Band Indie

