Kunci Gitar Topi Jerami - All I Want Is You

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2016-08-15T10:50:00+00:00 Kunci Gitar Topi Jerami - All I Want Is You
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Topi Jerami - All I Want Is You - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Topi Jerami - All I Want Is You" yang dibawakan oleh Topi Jerami. "Kunci Gitar Topi Jerami - All I Want Is You" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Topi Jerami - All I Want Is You" oleh Topi Jerami. Kunci Gitar Topi Jerami - All I Want Is You

Intro : C F Am F
        C F Am F

In cold night
im freezing by the rain
Sneaking through my window
          C  G
feel so blue..

Hope you're doing okay
everyday & everynight
And honestly it helps me fight
     C  G
the day...

F            G
 And i swear...to my self
F                       G
 im gonna have you someday..

I cant turn back
it feel so deep inside i fall for you
    Dm            C/E            F  G
The reason for me not leave is you
I cant turn back
i wish that i have one more chance with you
     Dm              C/E                  F
To stay the night & hold you tight, its true
      G            (C)
That all i want is you

Int. C F Am F

You drive me crazy
and you my world
Give me something special
         C  G
in my dream..

C                         Am
 So stay here please dont go..
You're always be...
          C            G
you will always be my favorite smile..

F                   G
 Like falling stars..above me
F                  G
 It starts go down to my heart

F              G
 May god heard...my whisper
Of this lonely guy hoping
for a better dream

I cant turn back
it feel so deep inside i fall for you
    Dm             C/E          F  G
The reason for me not leave is you
I cant turn back
i wish that i have one more chance with you
     Dm              C/E                  F
To stay the night & hold you tight, its true
      C             Am  F
That all i want is you
      G              C F G
That all i want is you

Am                  F    G
 Like falling stars..above me
Am                 Bb       F   G
 It starts go down to my heart..

I cant turn back
it feel so deep inside i fall for you
    Dm          C/E             F  G
The reason for me not leave is you
I cant turn back
i wish that i have one more chance with you
    Dm               C/E                  F
To stay the night & hold you tight, its true
      G             C  F
That all i want is you
      G             Dm  C/E F
That all i want is you..
all i want is you

 You drive me crazy
 and you my world      
(all i want is you)

    Dm               C/E                 F
To stay the night & hold you tight, its true
      G              C
That all i want is you
May god heard...my whisper
Dm    C/E           F     G
 May god heard my whisper

Outro : C F Am G F


Intro : D# G# Cm G#
        D# G# Cm G#

In cold night
im freezing by the rain
Sneaking through my window
          D#  A#
feel so blue..

Hope you're doing okay
everyday & everynight
And honestly it helps me fight
     D#  A#
the day...

G#           A#
 And i swear...to my self
G#                      A#
 im gonna have you someday..

I cant turn back
it feel so deep inside i fall for you
     Fm           D#/G          G#  A#
The reason for me not leave is you
I cant turn back
i wish that i have one more chance with you
      Fm            D#/G                 G#
To stay the night & hold you tight, its true
     A#             (D#)
That all i want is you

Int. D# G# Cm G#

You drive me crazy
and you my world
Give me something special
         D#  A#
in my dream..

D#                        Cm
 So stay here please dont go..
You're always be...
         D#           A#
you will always be my favorite smile..

G#                 A#
 Like falling stars..above me
G#                 A#
 It starts go down to my heart

G#             A#
 May god heard...my whisper
Of this lonely guy hoping
for a better dream

I cant turn back
it feel so deep inside i fall for you
     Fm           D#/G          G#  A#
The reason for me not leave is you
I cant turn back
i wish that i have one more chance with you
      Fm            D#/G                 G#
To stay the night & hold you tight, its true
     D#             Cm  G#
That all i want is you
     A#             D#  G# A#
That all i want is you

Cm                 G#   A#
 Like falling stars..above me
Cm                 C#         G#  A#
 It starts go down to my heart..

I cant turn back
it feel so deep inside i fall for you
     Fm           D#/G           G#  A#
The reason for me not leave is you
I cant turn back
i wish that i have one more chance with you
     Fm             D#/G                 G#
To stay the night & hold you tight, its true
     A#             D#  G#
That all i want is you
     A#             Fm  D#/G G#
That all i want is you..
all i want is you

 You drive me crazy
 and you my world      
(all i want is you)

     Fm             D#/G                 G#
To stay the night & hold you tight, its true
     A#             D#
That all i want is you
May god heard...my whisper
Fm    D#/G         G#     A#
 May god heard my whisper

Outro : D# G# Cm A# G#


Chord Topi Jerami - All I Want Is You

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  • Chord Topi Jerami

