Kunci Gitar Shania Twain - You're Still The One

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2016-08-20T08:41:00+00:00 Kunci Gitar Shania Twain - You're Still The One
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Shania Twain - You're Still The One - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Shania Twain - You're Still The One" yang dibawakan oleh Shania Twain. "Kunci Gitar Shania Twain - You're Still The One" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Shania Twain - You're Still The One" oleh Shania Twain. Kunci Gitar Shania Twain - You're Still The One

Intro : G -C -D
        G -C -D

when I first saw you...
I saw love...
and the first time you touched me...
I felt love...
and after all this time...

G                      G/B
you're still the one I love...
C     D
mmmm yeaah..
G               G/B
looks like we made it
 C                   D
look how far we've come my baby
G                    G/B
we might a took the long way
C             D
we knew we'd get there someday

G         G/B
they said.."I bet
C                 D
 they'll never make it"
           G         C       D
but just look at us holding on..
we're still together
      C        D
still going strong..

(you're still the one)

 G                        C
  you're still the one I run to
 Am                  D
  the one that I belong to
 G                         C
  you're still the one I want
  for life..

(you're still the one)

 G                          C
  you're still the one that I love
 Am                 D
  the only one I dream of
 G                         C
  you're still the one I kiss
  good night..

G              G/B
 ain't nothin' better    
C             D
we beat the odds together
G                   G/B
i'm glad we didn't listen
C                 D
look at what we would be missin'

==Back to : *), Reff

Musik : G C D
        G C D

==Back to : Reff

G              G/B
I'm so glad we made it
C                   D          G
look how far we've come my baby..


Intro : D# -G# -A#
        D# -G# -A#

When I first saw you...
I saw love...
and the first time you touched me...
I felt love...
and after all this time...

D#                      D#/G
you're still the one I love...
G#    A#
mmmm yeah
D#             D#/G
looks like we made it
    G#                A#
look how far we've come my baby
D#                  D#/G  
we might a took the long way
G#           A#
we knew we'd get there someday

D#        D#/G
they said "I bet
G#             A#
they'll never make it"
         D#         G#      A#
but just look at us holding on..
we're still together
      G#       A#
still going strong..

(you're still the one)

  D#                      G#
  you're still the one I run to
   Fm                   A#
  the one that I belong to
   D#                       G#
  you're still the one I want
  for life..

(you're still the one)

  D#                       G#
  you're still the one that I love
  Fm                A# 
  the only one I dream of
  D#                      G#
  you're still the one I kiss
  good night..

D#            D#/G
ain't nothin' better    
G#              A#
we beat the odds together
D#                D#/G
i'm glad we didn't listen
G#                    A#
look at what we would be missin'

==Back to : *), Reff

Musik : D# G# A#
        D# G# A#

==Back to : Reff

D#             D#/G
I'm so glad we made it
G#                 A#          D#
look how far we've come my baby..


Chord Shania Twain - You're Still The One

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  • Chord Shania Twain

