Kunci Gitar The Script - Man on a Wire

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2015-11-17T08:19:00+00:00 Kunci Gitar The Script - Man on a Wire
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar The Script - Man on a Wire - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar The Script - Man on a Wire" yang dibawakan oleh The Script. "Kunci Gitar The Script - Man on a Wire" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar The Script - Man on a Wire" oleh The Script. Kunci Gitar The Script - Man on a Wire

Who would have thought that I'd be here by myself?
Who would have thought that you'd be bad for my health?
Now I know, now I know
                     C    G
I'm just a man on a wire, oh

Who would have thought I'd be the cause and effect?
Yesterday's love is not tomorrow's regrets
Now I know, now I know
                      C   G
I'm just a man on a wire, oh

No, I can't look down
I'm trying to fight the feeling
-G      Am
I will fall to the ground If I ever see you
C      F        G
'Cause I, I, I, I

  Feel like I'm walkin' a tightrope
  My heart is in my throat
  I'm counting on high
  hopes to get me over you
  And I've got my eyes closed
  As long as the wind blows
  I'm counting on high hopes
  to get me over you, you..

             C                    G
Cause I'm a man on a wire, on a wire
       Am                     F
I'm a man on a wire, on a wire

Who would have thought I'd see you with someone else?
Who would have thought that I'd be in such a mess?
Now you know, now you know
                      C      G
I'm just a man on a wire, oh oo

But I walk that line
I try to keep my senses
-G      Am
Make it to the other side
                          C F        G
I know the consequences and I, I, I, I

==Kembali ke : Reff

             C                     G
Cause I'm a man on a wire, on a wire
      Am                    F
I'm a man on a wire, on a wire
             C                    G
Cause I'm a man on a wire, on a wire
            Am                    F
Cause I'm a man on a wire, on a wire

    G          Am
The higher it gets, oh
      F                C
The more I miss the ground
G          Am
No safety nets, oh
F                 C
Now you're not around
    G           Am
I have to keep walking
     F            C       G
To keep me from falling down yeah..

==Kembali ke : Reff

             C                     G
Cause I'm a man on a wire, on a wire
      Am                     F
I'm a man on a wire, on a wire
            C                    G
Cause I'm a man on a wire,on a wire
            Am         G        C   -F
Cause I'm a man on a wire, on a wi..re


Who would have thought that I'd be here by myself?
Who would have thought that you'd be bad for my health?
Now I know, now I know
                    A     E
I'm just a man on a wire, oh

Who would have thought I'd be the cause and effect?
Yesterday's love is not tomorrow's regrets
Now I know, now I know
                      A    E
I'm just a man on a wire, oh

No, I can't look down
I'm trying to fight the feeling
E      F#m
I will fall to the ground If I ever see you
A      D        E
'Cause I, I, I, I

  Feel like I'm walkin' a tightrope
  My heart is in my throat
  I'm counting on high
  hopes to get me over you
  And I've got my eyes closed
  As long as the wind blows
  I'm counting on high hopes
  to get me over you, you..

             A                    E
Cause I'm a man on a wire, on a wire
      F#m                   D
I'm a man on a wire, on a wire

Who would have thought I'd see you with someone else?
Who would have thought that I'd be in such a mess?
Now you know, now you know
                      A       E
I'm just a man on a wire, oh oo

But I walk that line
I try to keep my senses
-E      F#m
Make it to the other side
                         A  D        E
I know the consequences and I, I, I, I

==Kembali ke : Reff

            A                     E
Cause I'm a man on a wire, on a wire
     F#m                    D
I'm a man on a wire, on a wire
             A                     E
Cause I'm a man on a wire, on a wire
            F#m                    D
Cause I'm a man on a wire, on a wire

     E         F#m
The higher it gets, oh
      D                A
The more I miss the ground
E         F#m
No safety nets, oh
D                  A
Now you're not around
    E           F#m
I have to keep walking
     D            A       E
To keep me from falling down yeah

==Kembali ke : Reff

            A                     E
Cause I'm a man on a wire, on a wire
     F#m                    D
I'm a man on a wire, on a wire
            A                    E
Cause I'm a man on a wire,on a wire
            F#m         E       A   D
Cause I'm a man on a wire, on a wi..re


Chord The Script - Man on a Wire

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  • Chord The Script

