Kunci Gitar Simple Plan - Summer Paradise (Feat Taka One Ok Rock)

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2015-08-22T11:39:00+00:00 Kunci Gitar Simple Plan - Summer Paradise (Feat Taka One Ok Rock)
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Simple Plan - Summer Paradise (Feat Taka One Ok Rock) - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Simple Plan - Summer Paradise (Feat Taka One Ok Rock)" yang dibawakan oleh Simple Plan. "Kunci Gitar Simple Plan - Summer Paradise (Feat Taka One Ok Rock)" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Simple Plan - Summer Paradise (Feat Taka One Ok Rock)" oleh Simple Plan. Kunci Gitar Simple Plan - Summer Paradise (Feat Taka One Ok Rock)

Intro : C G             Am
        ...O la la ta tata
yeah me and you in summer paradise

my heart is sinking
G              Am
as I'm lifting up
above the clouds away from you

      C                 G
and I can't believe I'm leaving
oh I don't kno-kno-know
what I'm gonna do

    Am    F
But someday
C              G
I will find my way back
         Am     F
To where your name
Is written in the sand

  F                      C
  Cause I remember every sunset
  G                Am    G    F
  I remember every word you said
                      C       G
  We were never gonna say goodbye

  Say la-ta-ta-ta-ta

  F                  C
  Till we had to get back to
  G                 Am    G    F
  Back to summer paradise with you
  G                      F
  And I'll be there in a heartbeat
  (I’ll be there I’ll be there I’ll be there)
  I'll be there in a heartbeat
  (I’ll be there I’ll be there I’ll be there)

My soul is broken
Streets are frozen
I can't stop these
feelings melting through

And I'd give away
a thousand days, oh
Am                            F
Just to have another one with you

Well relax can wait
(Relax can wait)
I'm crushing my ways
(crushing my ways)
Playing in the sand
(Playing in the sand)
Holding your hand

  F                      C
  Cause I remember every sunset
  G                Am    G    F
  I remember every word you said
                      C       G
  We were never gonna say goodbye

  Say la-ta-ta-ta-ta

  F                  C
  Till we had to get back to
  G                 Am    G    F
  Back to summer paradise with you
  G                      F
  And I'll be there in a heartbeat
  (I’ll be there I’ll be there I’ll be there)
  I'll be there in a heartbeat
  (I’ll be there I’ll be there I’ll be there)

My memories are reminding me
The perfect night on the perfect beach
Ano hi no ki o kuwo kaki atsumeta tokode

The season not the reason why
I fell in love with you in paradise
Am                            F
Kimi ga boku wo omoidasu tabi ni
And I’ll be there in a heartbeat

    Am    F
But someday
C              G
I will find my way back
         Am     F
To where your name
Is written in the sand

  F                       C
  Cause I remember every sunset
  G                Am    G   F
  I remember every word you said
                      C       G
  We were never gonna say goodbye

  Say la-ta-ta-ta-ta

  F                  C
  Till we had to get back to
  G                 Am    G    F
  Back to summer paradise with you
  (And I'll be there in a heartbeat)
  F                   C
  I remember where we first kissed
  G                   Am    G    F
  How I didn't wanna leave your lips
                     C            G
  And how I've never ever felt so high


  F                  C
  Tell me how to get back to
  G               Am       G    F
  Back to summer paradise with you
  G                      F
  And I'll be there in a heartbeat
  (I’ll be there I’ll be there I’ll be there)
  I'll be there in a heartbeat
  (I’ll be there I’ll be there I’ll be there)
  I'll be there in a heartbeat


Intro : D A            Bm
        ...O la la ta tata
yeah me and you in summer paradise

my heart is sinking
A              Bm
as I'm lifting up
above the clouds away from you

      D                 A
and I can't believe I'm leaving
oh I don't kno-kno-know
what I'm gonna do

   Bm     G
But someday
D              A
I will find my way back
        Bm     G
To where your name
Is written in the sand

  G                       D
  Cause I remember every sunset
  A                Bm    A    G
  I remember every word you said
                      D        A
  We were never gonna say goodbye

  Say la-ta-ta-ta-ta

  G                  D
  Till we had to get back to
  A                 Bm    A    G
  Back to summer paradise with you
  A                      G
  And I'll be there in a heartbeat
  (I’ll be there I’ll be there I’ll be there)
  I'll be there in a heartbeat
  (I’ll be there I’ll be there I’ll be there)

My soul is broken
Streets are frozen
I can't stop these
feelings melting through

    D               A
And I'd give away a thousand days, oh
Bm                            G
Just to have another one with you

Well relax can wait
(Relax can wait)
I'm crushing my ways
(crushing my ways)
Playing in the sand
(Playing in the sand)
Holding your hand

  G                       D
  Cause I remember every sunset
  A                Bm    A    G
  I remember every word you said
                      D        A
  We were never gonna say goodbye

  Say la-ta-ta-ta-ta

  G                  D
  Till we had to get back to
  A                 Bm    A    G
  Back to summer paradise with you
  A                      G
  And I'll be there in a heartbeat
  (I’ll be there I’ll be there I’ll be there)
  I'll be there in a heartbeat
  (I’ll be there I’ll be there I’ll be there)

My memories are reminding me
The perfect night on the perfect beach
Ano hi no ki o kuwo kaki atsumeta tokode

The season not the reason why
I fell in love with you in paradise
 Bm                           G
Kimi ga boku wo omoidasu tabi ni
And I’ll be there in a heartbeat

   Bm     G
But someday
D              A
I will find my way back
        Bm     G
To where your name
Is written in the sand

  G                       D
  Cause I remember every sunset
  A                Bm    A    G
  I remember every word you said
                      D        A
  We were never gonna say goodbye

  Say la-ta-ta-ta-ta

  G                  D
  Till we had to get back to
  A                 Bm    A    G
  Back to summer paradise with you
  (And I'll be there in a heartbeat)
  G                   D
  I remember where we first kissed
  A                   Bm    A   G
  How I didn't wanna leave your lips
                      D            A
  And how I've never ever felt so high


  G                  D
  Tell me how to get back to
  A               Bm       A   G
  Back to summer paradise with you
  A                      G
  And I'll be there in a heartbeat
  (I’ll be there I’ll be there I’ll be there)
  I'll be there in a heartbeat
  (I’ll be there I’ll be there I’ll be there)
  I'll be there in a heartbeat


Chord Simple Plan - Summer Paradise (Feat Taka One Ok Rock)

Lihat semua :
  • Chord ONE OK ROCK
  • Chord Simple Plan

