Kunci Gitar Stevie Wonder - To Feel The Fire

Published By: Admin | Pada: 2015-07-23T11:24:00+00:00 Kunci Gitar Stevie Wonder - To Feel The Fire
Lirikku.ID: Kunci Gitar Stevie Wonder - To Feel The Fire - Dalam konten ini, kami akan membahas kunci gitar untuk lagu "Kunci Gitar Stevie Wonder - To Feel The Fire" yang dibawakan oleh Stevie Wonder. "Kunci Gitar Stevie Wonder - To Feel The Fire" adalah lagu yang populer dengan melodi yang enerjik dan lirik yang menginspirasi. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, kami akan membantu pemula dan pemain gitar berpengalaman untuk mempelajari kunci-kunci yang diperlukan untuk memainkan lagu ini dengan lancar. Mulai dari chord dasar hingga variasi yang lebih rumit, kami akan membahas semua aspek yang diperlukan untuk menguasai permainan gitar untuk lagu ini. Jadi, jika Anda ingin mengambil tantangan memainkan lagu ini atau hanya ingin menambahkan lagu baru ke repertoar Anda, ikuti terus untuk panduan kunci gitar yang lengkap untuk "Kunci Gitar Stevie Wonder - To Feel The Fire" oleh Stevie Wonder. Kunci Gitar Stevie Wonder - To Feel The Fire

   C  Em  F
my outer self looks
happy as can be
a perfect dream..love
as clear as i can see
          Em  -F
but just like that..real
has hit me suddenly
    C          D   G
my outer is a liar

  'cause when i'm look inside my heart
  and i tell the truth to me
  loud and clear my soul cries out
       Dm         C
  with total honesty
            G      E      A
  i need a fire, fire, fire
  to keep me warm
               G         C
  i've got to feel the fire..

my smilling face, with
laughter on the side
you'd say no doubt i
get passion every night
           E  -F
but if in our bed your
arms don't hold me tight
         C                   D    G
mean it leaves much to be desired

  'cause when i'm look inside my heart
  and i tell the truth to me
  loud and clear my soul cries out
       Dm         C
  with total honesty
            G      E      A
  i need a fire, fire, fire
  to keep me warm
               G         C
  i've got to feel the fire..[2x]

bridge :
F                           D#
i don't take a rocket scientist to know
that if you don't fan the flame
                  Dm              A
then the fire will eventually go..oo

Reff akhir :
  'cause when i'm look inside my heart
  and i tell the truth to me
  loud and clear my soul cries out
       Em         D
  with total honesty
            A      F#     B
  i need a fire, fire, fire
  to keep me warm
               A         D
  i've got to feel the fire

  'cause when i'm look inside my heart
  and i tell the truth to me
  loud and clear my soul cries out
       Em         D
  with total honesty
            A      F#     B
  i need a fire, fire, fire
  to keep me warm
               A         D
  i've got to feel the fire

            A      F#     B
  i need a fire, fire, fire
  to keep me warm
               A         D
  i've got to feel the fire
  to keep me warm
               A         D
  i've got to feel the fire


   D#-Gm   G#
my outer self looks
happy as can be
a perfect dream..love
as clear as i can see
           Gm - G#
but just like that..real
has hit me suddenly
   D#          F   A#
my outer is a liar

  'cause when i'm look inside my heart
  and i tell the truth to me
  loud and clear my soul cries out
        Fm        D#
  with total honesty
            A#    G     C
  i need a fire, fire, fire
  to keep me warm
              A#        D#
  i've got to feel the fire

my smilling face, with
laughter on the side
you'd say no doubt i
get passion every night
but if in our bed your
arms don't hold me tight
         D#                  F    A#
mean it leaves much to be desired

  'cause when i'm look inside my heart
  and i tell the truth to me
  loud and clear my soul cries out
        Fm        D#
  with total honesty
            A#    G     C
  i need a fire, fire, fire
  to keep me warm
              A#        D#
  i've got to feel the fire [2x]

bridge :
G#                         F#
i don't take a rocket scientist to know
that if you don't fan the flame
              Fm                  C
then the fire will eventually go..oo

Reff akhir :
  'cause when i'm look inside my heart
  and i tell the truth to me
  loud and clear my soul cries out
        Gm        F
  with total honesty
            C     A     D
  i need a fire, fire, fire
  to keep me warm
              C         F
  i've got to feel the fire

  'cause when i'm look inside my heart
  and i tell the truth to me
  loud and clear my soul cries out
        Gm        F
  with total honesty
            C     A     D
  i need a fire, fire, fire
  to keep me warm
              C         F
  i've got to feel the fire

            C     A     D
  i need a fire, fire, fire
  to keep me warm
              C         F
  i've got to feel the fire
  to keep me warm
              C         F
  i've got to feel the fire..


Chord Stevie Wonder - To Feel The Fire

Lihat semua :
  • Chord Stevie Wonder

